Dienstag, 13. Mai 2025
9:00 - 15:00
Introductory OpenFOAM Course + Selected Topics (online)
OpenFOAM(R) is an open-source package for simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer problems in engineering, nature, biological and astrophysical systems.
As a joint effort of bwHPC-S5 and NHR@KIT, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) is hosting an introductory level course on the parallel use of OpenFOAM software for (current and future) users of the bwUniCluster (bwForClusters) or HoreKa supercomputers.
Short description:
The first day of the course aims at gaining basic skills for the work with OpenFOAM on the supercomputers in Baden-Württemberg. The differences between the work on a serial and on a massive parallel computer with distributed memory are emphasized. The participants will receive written tutorials which allow learning how to perform parallel computations step by step. In the second day a complex conjugated fluid-flow and heat transfer example will be worked out. More advanced topics like unsteady boundary conditions for turbulent flows as well as visualization of the obtained results with Paraview will be considered.
The link to the course description and registration is:
Form: online (MS Teams), registration only with valid Email from (applied) universities within Baden-Württemberg (no private boxes like gmail, yahoo etc. possible)
Schedule: 13.05.2005 (9:30h till 15:00h) and 14.05.2005 (9:30h till 14:00h)
Language: English
As a joint effort of bwHPC-S5 and NHR@KIT, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) is hosting an introductory level course on the parallel use of OpenFOAM software for (current and future) users of the bwUniCluster (bwForClusters) or HoreKa supercomputers.
Short description:
The first day of the course aims at gaining basic skills for the work with OpenFOAM on the supercomputers in Baden-Württemberg. The differences between the work on a serial and on a massive parallel computer with distributed memory are emphasized. The participants will receive written tutorials which allow learning how to perform parallel computations step by step. In the second day a complex conjugated fluid-flow and heat transfer example will be worked out. More advanced topics like unsteady boundary conditions for turbulent flows as well as visualization of the obtained results with Paraview will be considered.
The link to the course description and registration is:
Form: online (MS Teams), registration only with valid Email from (applied) universities within Baden-Württemberg (no private boxes like gmail, yahoo etc. possible)
Schedule: 13.05.2005 (9:30h till 15:00h) and 14.05.2005 (9:30h till 14:00h)
Language: English
Mittwoch, 14. Mai 2025
9:00 - 15:00
Introductory OpenFOAM Course + Selected Topics (online)
OpenFOAM(R) is an open-source package for simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer problems in engineering, nature, biological and astrophysical systems.
As a joint effort of bwHPC-S5 and NHR@KIT, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) is hosting an introductory level course on the parallel use of OpenFOAM software for (current and future) users of the bwUniCluster (bwForClusters) or HoreKa supercomputers.
Short description:
The first day of the course aims at gaining basic skills for the work with OpenFOAM on the supercomputers in Baden-Württemberg. The differences between the work on a serial and on a massive parallel computer with distributed memory are emphasized. The participants will receive written tutorials which allow learning how to perform parallel computations step by step. In the second day a complex conjugated fluid-flow and heat transfer example will be worked out. More advanced topics like unsteady boundary conditions for turbulent flows as well as visualization of the obtained results with Paraview will be considered.
The link to the course description and registration is:
Form: online (MS Teams), registration only with valid Email from (applied) universities within Baden-Württemberg (no private boxes like gmail, yahoo etc. possible)
Schedule: 13.05.2005 (9:30h till 15:00h) and 14.05.2005 (9:30h till 14:00h)
Language: English
As a joint effort of bwHPC-S5 and NHR@KIT, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) is hosting an introductory level course on the parallel use of OpenFOAM software for (current and future) users of the bwUniCluster (bwForClusters) or HoreKa supercomputers.
Short description:
The first day of the course aims at gaining basic skills for the work with OpenFOAM on the supercomputers in Baden-Württemberg. The differences between the work on a serial and on a massive parallel computer with distributed memory are emphasized. The participants will receive written tutorials which allow learning how to perform parallel computations step by step. In the second day a complex conjugated fluid-flow and heat transfer example will be worked out. More advanced topics like unsteady boundary conditions for turbulent flows as well as visualization of the obtained results with Paraview will be considered.
The link to the course description and registration is:
Form: online (MS Teams), registration only with valid Email from (applied) universities within Baden-Württemberg (no private boxes like gmail, yahoo etc. possible)
Schedule: 13.05.2005 (9:30h till 15:00h) and 14.05.2005 (9:30h till 14:00h)
Language: English
13:00 - 15:00
ITB-Versammlung Mai 2025
Online-Veranstaltung per Microsoft-Teams;
IT-Beauftragte erhalten Zugangsdaten per Mail;
IT-Beauftragte erhalten Zugangsdaten per Mail;
Für die partnerschaftliche Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Informationsverarbeitung wurden dem zentralen IT-Dienstleister SCC in der Vergangenheit sogenannte IT-Beauftragte bzw. IT-Koordinatoren benannt.
Hierzu findet zweimal im Jahr eine Informationsveranstaltung für alle benannten IT-Beauftragen statt.
Hierzu findet zweimal im Jahr eine Informationsveranstaltung für alle benannten IT-Beauftragen statt.
Samstag, 17. Mai 2025
10:00 - 18:00
Tag der offenen Tür 2025 - Rackserver zum Anfassen
Scientific Computing Center (SCC)
KIT Campus Süd …
KIT Campus Süd …
Mitmachaktion und Ausstellung/Besichtigung für Kinder und Jugendliche
In Rechenzentren werden viele Computer gleichzeitig benötigt und in Schränken - sogenannten "Racks" - mit bis zu 80 Computern betrieben. Solche Rackserver könnt Ihr Euch bei uns genauer anschauen und lernt dabei die einzelnen Bauteile eines Supercomputerservers zu bestimmen.
Außerdem könnt Ihr Euer Geschick bei der "PC-Challenge" beweisen.
In Rechenzentren werden viele Computer gleichzeitig benötigt und in Schränken - sogenannten "Racks" - mit bis zu 80 Computern betrieben. Solche Rackserver könnt Ihr Euch bei uns genauer anschauen und lernt dabei die einzelnen Bauteile eines Supercomputerservers zu bestimmen.
Außerdem könnt Ihr Euer Geschick bei der "PC-Challenge" beweisen.
12:00 - 16:00
Tag der offenen Tür 2025 - Hardwarestreichelzoo
Scientific Computing Center (SCC)
KIT Campus Süd …
KIT Campus Süd …
Ausstellung/Besichtigung/Führung/Infostand für alle Altersgruppen
Die Netzabteilung des SCC gibt einen Einblick in die Netz- und Serverkomponenten des SCC. Es werden diverse Komponenten wie Router, Switche, Accesspoints, Server, Messgeräte und die Kupfer- und Glasfaserkabel gezeigt, sowie ein kurzer Einblick in einen Server- und Netzwerkraum gegeben.
Treffpunkt: 12:00 / 14:00 / 16:00 Uhr im Foyer des SCC Geb. 20.20, pro Führung maximal 12 Personen
Die Netzabteilung des SCC gibt einen Einblick in die Netz- und Serverkomponenten des SCC. Es werden diverse Komponenten wie Router, Switche, Accesspoints, Server, Messgeräte und die Kupfer- und Glasfaserkabel gezeigt, sowie ein kurzer Einblick in einen Server- und Netzwerkraum gegeben.
Treffpunkt: 12:00 / 14:00 / 16:00 Uhr im Foyer des SCC Geb. 20.20, pro Führung maximal 12 Personen
Montag, 02. Juni 2025
9:00 - 17:15
Helmholtz AI Conference 2025 - Prologue Day
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Campus North …
Campus North …
In line with the Helmholtz AI Conference 2025 the Helmholtz AI team at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Campus North invites the Helmholtz AI Community for a Prologue Day at the ZEISS Innovation Hub@KIT. We will have a full range of satellite events that go beyond the program of the main conference to delve deeper into specific applied AI topics, foster collaboration, and provide hands-on learning experiences. Pick your favourite, hands-on-session, tutorial, or unconference contribution. What’s more, you can join our guided campurs tours to explore the KIT's large-scale facilities, including a nuclear reactor, the Energy Lab, a particle accelerator or the HoreKa supercomputer.