

Introductory OpenFOAM Course + Selected Topics (online)

Dienstag, 13. Mai 2025, 9:00-15:00

OpenFOAM(R) is an open-source package for simulation of fluid flow and heat transfer problems in engineering, nature, biological and astrophysical systems.


As a joint effort of bwHPC-S5 and NHR@KIT, the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) is hosting an introductory level course on the parallel use of OpenFOAM software for (current and future) users of the bwUniCluster (bwForClusters) or HoreKa supercomputers.


Short description:

The first day of the course aims at gaining basic skills for the work with OpenFOAM on the supercomputers in Baden-Württemberg. The differences between the work on a serial and on a massive parallel computer with distributed memory are emphasized. The participants will receive written tutorials which allow learning how to perform parallel computations step by step. In the second day a complex conjugated fluid-flow and heat transfer example will be worked out. More advanced topics like unsteady boundary conditions for turbulent flows as well as visualization of the obtained results with Paraview will be considered.


The link to the course description and registration is: 


Form: online (MS Teams), registration only with valid Email from (applied) universities within Baden-Württemberg (no private boxes like gmail, yahoo etc. possible)


Schedule: 13.05.2005 (9:30h till 15:00h) and 14.05.2005 (9:30h till 14:00h)


Language: English

Scientific Computing Center (SCC)
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
E-Mail: contact does-not-exist.scc kit edu