The topic of data, whose life cycle ranges from collection and processing to storage and subsequent use, is becoming increasingly important, both nationally and internationally. With its expertise and infrastructure, the SCC supports the data-intensive sciences at KIT and beyond. It conducts research in the fields of Scientific Data Management, Research Data Management and Data Exploitation Methods.
As part of the large-scale NFDI project, the SCC is involved in consortia of all three funding rounds (see project overview), directly in NFDI4Ing, NFDI4Chem, NFDI-MatWerk, PUNCH4NFDI, as well as supporting NFDI4Earth and as a partner in the NFDIxCS consortium. In addition, the SCC is represented in various sections and contributes to Base4NFDI, for example in the area of setting up an Identity and Access Management IAM4NFDI. KIT is a member of the NFDI Association and participates in several NFDI consortia (RDM∂KIT/NFDI).
About the NFDI
The National Research Data Infrastructure(NFDI) is concerned with the development of a national research data network for the indexing and qualitative, sustainable use of data from science and research. This data should fulfill the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable), i.e. be findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
The NFDI consists of a non-profit association, the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V., based in Karlsruhe, which coordinates the activities to set up the National Research Data Infrastructure, as well as financially supported NFDI consortia, which represent an association of institutions dedicated to research data management within a specific discipline.
In addition, NFDI sections can be set up within the framework of the NFDI e.V. to jointly work on topics that are dealt with by several NFDI consortia.
The NFDI is also looking to link up with international initiatives such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). For example, the NFDI e.V. is Germany's mandated organization in the EOSC Association.
After three rounds of applications, a total of 26 specialist NFDI consortia started the first 5-year funding phase. The 3rd round also includes Base4NFDI, an initiative for the development of basic services for the NFDI, in which all specialist NFDI consortia are involved and which is closely linked to the NFDI sections.