Software catalog
Software is listed here for which the SCC provides at least one of the following services:
- Operating advice and support for access to the infrastructure
- Provision (software store, HPC, remote desktop, pool computer, ...)
- Provision of documentation
- Procurement, license and contract management
- Operation and maintenance of the license servers
- Technical consulting for usage
- Installation support
- Interface to manufacturer support
Name | Contact |
ABAQUS ABAQUS is a finite element program for solving structural mechanics and thermal problems with special application focus. | |
AdeptScience EndNote EndNote is a literature management program and enables direct online research in subject information databases and library catalogs, the direct transfer and management of researched literature in its own database, and the creation of automatic reference lists in word processing programs. | Dr. Torsten Antoni |
Adobe Academic Software Contracts This includes both Adobe Enterprise Term License Agreement (ETLA) and Adobe Cumulative License Program (CLP) licenses. In addition, alternatives to Adobe are listed.
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Adobe Acrobat Pro DC Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is a convenient way to create PDF documents. It is ideal for capturing, preparing, and delivering information in PDF format. | |
Adobe Connect Web Conference Adobe Connect is a powerful web communication system that lets you hold virtual audiovisual meetings, show presentations, and also collaborate on documents. All you need is a web browser or smartphone app. | |
Allplan Allplan is a BIM/CAD program of the company Allplan GmbH, for architects, civil engineers and building contractors. | Ulrike Rogge |
Anaconda Anaconda is an open source distribution for the Python and R programming languages that includes the Spyder development environment, the IPython command line interpreter, and a web-based frontend for Jupyter. The focus is primarily on the processing of large data sets, predictive analysis and scientific computing. | Ulrike Rogge |
ANSYS Academic Multiphysics Campus Suite of programs for solving problems in multiphysics, structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, electromagnetics and system simulation. | |
ANSYS CFX Finite element software for fluid dynamic analysis
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ANSYS EM Suite Computer Aided Design of Electronic Systems (EDA)ANSYS Electronics Simulation Software are modules from the ANSYS product family for the design of electronic and electromechanical systems. | |
ANSYS EnSight Visualization and animation of flow calculations and structural mechanics calculations is possible with EnSight. EnSight is part of the ANSYS product family. | |
ANSYS FLUENT ANSYS FLUENT is a finite volume program (CFD program) for the calculation of flow problems. | |
ANSYS for Students ANSYS for Students is the campus license for the ANSYS program suite.The ANSYS program suite is used to solve linear and nonlinear problems from structural mechanics, fluid mechanics, acoustics, thermodynamics, piezoelectricity, electromagnetism and combined problems (multiphysics). | |
ANSYS Mechanical APDL ANSYS Mechanical APDL is a finite element program for solving static and dynamic, linear and nonlinear strength problems, 2D flow problems and other field problems. | |
ArcGIS Pro (ESRI) The company Esri offers a comprehensive product family in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). | Team Scientific Software |
Audacity With Audacity, audio files can be edited just like in a recording studio. | Ulrike Rogge |
Autodesk Education Community For use in research and teaching, Autodesk offers free access to education licenses through the Autodesk Education Community. | |
CADENCE CADENCE products are used to develop application specific integrated circuits (ASICs). | |
Cantor Cantor is an application that lets you use a favorite mathematical programming language through a nice worksheet interface. It offers wizard dialogs for common tasks and allows sharing worksheets with each other. | Ulrike Rogge |
ChemOffice / Revvity Signals Notebooks ChemOffice+ Cloud incl. Revvity Signals Notebook is a set of tools, among others, for drawing, managing and displaying chemical and biological data. | |
Citavi Citavi is a literature management and knowledge organization program for Microsoft Windows. It is used for writing term papers and theses.
Please note that Citavi ist not installed in the pool rooms anymore. We are also not involved in the process of getting licenses. | |
COMSOL Multiphysics Finite element program for calculating multiphysics problems from structural mechanics, thermal dispersion, fluid mechanics, particle dispersion, electrodynamics and more. | |
Corel Academic Site License (CASL) (discontinued as of 10/09/2023) The Corel Academic Site License (CASL) allows the use of Corel's graphics and design products, such as CorelDRAW, CorelCAD, Corel PaintShop Pro. | |
CRAN R R is a free programming language for statistical calculations and graphics.The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) as a platform offers users the possibility to easily share self-written functions with others. | Ulrike Rogge |
Creo Parametric (Pro/ENGINEER) Creo Parametric is a volume-based CAD software that allows convenient creation of 2D and 3D designs. It is the central element of a complete product development family from Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC). | |
CST STUDIO SUITE CST STUDIO SUITE is a simulation platform for all electromagnetic field problems and couplings of electromagnetic components in circuits. | |
Debugger DDT The debugger DDT from Allinea Software is a parallel and serial debugger available for a wide range of systems. Control is mainly via mouse buttons, so there is no need to learn an extensive command language. | |
Eclipse C++ | Ulrike Rogge |
Eclipse Java JEE | Ulrike Rogge |
Edit Java Easily | Ulrike Rogge |
Europractice Europractice is a buying group of European universities and research institutes. Europractice provides its members with state-of-the-art tools for the design of microelectronics and microsystems technology, in particular for integrated circuits (IC). | |
FreeMind As a free, open-source tool, FreeMind offers a wide range of functions for creating extensive mind maps. This includes various geometric shapes that can be used to highlight text. The ability to place links to video and other files and web pages on the Internet directly in the mind map is also useful. | Ulrike Rogge |
Horus Business Modeler | Ulrike Rogge |
ILIAS ILIAS is a flexible and powerful learning management system (LMS) for the development and use of web-based educational offerings in all areas of education and training. ILIAS is used as the central teaching and learning platform at KIT. | Franziska Wandelmaier |
Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector Intel® Trace Analyzer and Collector is a powerful tool to analyze the behavior of MPI applications. | |
Intel(R) Toolkits The Intel(R) Toolkits consist of compilers, performance libraries, frameworks as well as analysis and debugging tools for the creation, analysis and optimization of cross-architecture applications on CPUs and XPUs. The use of Intel(R) Toolkits is recommended for both Intel and AMD processors. The installation media can currently be downloaded, installed and used free of charge. | |
Java Java is an object-oriented programming language and a component of Java technology. This basically consists of the Java development tool (JDK) for creating Java programs and the Java runtime environment (JRE) for executing them. | Ulrike Rogge |
Jupyter Jupyter is a web application, the central component of Jupyter is the Jupyter Notebook. This is a document that can simultaneously contain formatted continuous text, executable code sections and (interactive) visualizations (image, sound, video, 3D views). | |
LabVIEW (NI) Development environment for signal acquisition, measured value analysis and data presentation | |
LaTeX LaTeX is a computer typesetting system for easy creation of documents with extensive mathematical formulas, figures and cross-references. | |
LTspice LTspice is a software of the former semiconductor manufacturer Linear Technology for circuit simulation. It is based on SPICE, is compatible with it and especially suitable for the simulation of switching power supplies. | Ulrike Rogge |
Lustre Lustre is a parallel distributed file system used in large cluster computing environments. The name Lustre is derived from Linux and cluster. | Roland Laifer |
Maple Computeralgebrasystem
Aktuelle Version: 15 | |
Mathematica Mathematica is a powerful computer algebra system with an easy-to-use graphical user interface. | |
MATLAB Programming language for technical-scientific applications | |
McAfee Security for Microsoft Exchange | Service Desk |
Mestrelab Mnova Mestrelab Mnova is a vendor-independent software suite for data analysis and visualization of data from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), mass spectrometry (MS), vibrational spectroscopy and electron spectroscopy experiments. | Dr. Andreas Rapp |
Microsoft Office Professional Plus With Microsoft Office Professional Plus contains the well-known MS Office applications Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Outlook and Publisher. The software may be used on devices used for business purposes at KIT. | |
Microsoft Visio Microsoft Visio is a visualization program from Microsoft for Windows. The software belongs to the Microsoft Office family in the broadest sense, but is not part of an Office suite. | |
Microsoft Visual Studio Visual Studio is an integrated development environment for various high-level languages offered by the Microsoft company. | |
Microsoft Windows (Client Desktop) The Windows operating system for personal computers developed by Microsoft. | |
Microsoft Windows (Server) - Academic Teaching MS Windows Server is a server operating system from Microsoft. At KIT there is a campus license for academic teaching. | |
MikTex Tex Studio MiKTeX is an up-to-date implementation of TeX/LaTeX and related programs. | Ulrike Rogge |
MPI Message Passing Interface (MPI) is a standard that describes message exchange in parallel computing on distributed computer systems. | |
NAFEMS NAFEMS is an international, independent and neutral interest group representing the users of numerical simulation methods such as the Finite Element Method (FEM). | |
NotePad++ Notepad++ is a free text editor for Windows and compatible operating systems. ASCII and various Unicode encodings are supported as character sets, so even foreign language text files can be easily written. The editing of source code is especially supported. | Ulrike Rogge |
Open Text Website Management (formerly RedDot) The editorial system of the Open Text Web Solutions Group offers a comfortable environment for editing web pages and is characterized by intuitive use. | |
OpenFOAM OpenFOAM is a C++ based open source library for the analysis of problems in structural and fluid mechanics. | |
OpenMP OpenMP defines a platform-independent programming interface for "shared memory" parallelization. | |
Origin Pro Technical scientific data analysis and data visualization | |
Overleaf - Online LaTeX Editor The easy-to-use, collaborative, online LaTeX editor Overleaf is available to all KIT employees and students.This software is an application in the cloud from, which is provided especially for KIT. | |
PDF Creator | Ulrike Rogge |
PGI compiler suite The PGI Compiler Suite includes Fortran, C and C++ compilers and development tools for 32-bit and 64-bit x86-compatible workstations and servers, all running on Linux, Windows or macOS operating systems. | |
Pink Dupont Water Solution | Ulrike Rogge |
Putty | Ulrike Rogge |
R-Studio | Ulrike Rogge |
SAS SAS is a software package focused on the analysis and graphical representation of statistical data (statistical software). | |
Scribus Scribus is a free desktop publishing program for various operating systems, licensed under the GNU General Public License. Scribus is a page layout program that allows flexible design of documents with free placement of text and images in frames. | Ulrike Rogge |
SPSS SPSS is an alternative program to the statistical parts of SAS and is mainly used in the social sciences. | |
STAR CD Program for flow calculation | |
STAR-CCM+ CFD program for the calculation of flows, heat propagation, combustion and chem. Reactions and much more. | |
Tecplot The functional focus of Tecplot is the display of 3-D flow data. | |
Trellix Agent The Trellix agent (formerly McAfee agent) is used to centrally provide systems with the signatures and updates of the McAfee products. The Trellix agent provides administrators with an overview of the up-to-dateness and configuration of the AV software in use via a central console. | Service Desk |
Trellix/McAfee Antivirus Software Trellix/McAfee antivirus software provides protection and ease of use for diverse endpoint environments.current version: Endpoint Security | |
TURBOMOLE TURBOMOLE is a Program Package for ab initio Electronic Structure Calculations | |
VLC Player | Ulrike Rogge |