• Decentralized operation of IT workstations

  • The IT workstations of KIT should, on the one hand, ensure secure operation within the KIT infrastructure and, on the other hand, support the employees in research, teaching, and administration in their work in the best possible way. In order to fulfill this task for all areas, the SCC has worked out different operating models for workstation end devices. The two operating models that support decentrally organized operation are the modular model and the policy model.


In addition to the centrally managed IT workstations in the fully and partially managed operating model, two further models can be selected at KIT in the end device operation. When operating these models - modular and policy model - the organizational unit has more extensive degrees of freedom in managing the system.

Performance description

The differences between the two models used and the centrally managed IT workstation are described below.

Modular model

The modular model grants the OU additional degrees of freedom and is generally used in institutes. The hardware and software equipment is not bound to the standards of the centrally managed models. The installation and maintenance of the workstation devices is carried out completely decentrally by OU admins. The central building blocks for terminal equipment(basic IT equipment) are used completely or in parts, so that the terminal equipment can be integrated into the IT infrastructure in the form desired by KIT. In the modular model, however, central support is further reduced to the proper functionality of these building blocks. The operational responsibility for installation and operation of the end devices lies here exclusively with the OU.

Policy model

The policy model describes a device unknown to the SCC, which in case of doubt is also not integrated into the KIT IT infrastructure. As the name implies, the valid guidelines, such as those described in the KIT IT security concept, must be implemented for the operation of an IT device in the KIT infrastructure. In this model, this is the responsibility of the OU. The services of the basic IT equipment can be used via defined interfaces as listed in the service descriptions. The task of the SCC in this model is merely to ensure that the interfaces to the IT services function properly. The installation, integration and operational responsibility lies entirely with the OU.

Services not included

  • No extensive central support (as with the centrally managed IT workstation).
  • which means, among other things, that the OU is responsible for the installation and compliant operation (hardware / software) of the devices
  • as well as for the deletion of data on all data carriers such as hard disks before passing on, returning or scrapping the hardware. For more information, see Instructions, recommendations and notes.

Organizational requirements

  • As a rule, the IT officers at KIT (ITB) coordinate the decentralized operation of IT in the OUs. Requests go, if necessary, either to the SCC or to the external service provider(framework contract workplace support).
  • The guidelines applicable at KIT for the secure and reliable operation of IT infrastructure must be implemented.

Technical requirements

  • Devices integrated into the KIT network can use the services of the basic IT equipment via defined interfaces as listed in the service descriptions.
  • The setup of a workstation computer to be optimally used in the KIT IT infrastructure is described in the Checklist Setup Standard Workstation Computer