The service descriptions are being translated at the moment
If there´s no English information available please use the German counterpart. We are working on the English translations right now and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Study and teach
SCC supports students and teachers with a powerful IT infrastructure. This includes numerous computer pools, workstations with standard software, teaching and learning systems as well as a campus portal.
Teaching and learning systems
- KIT-ILIAS (Learning Management System)
- Campus Management for Students (Student Portal)
- Campus Plus Portal (Campus+)
- JupyterHub for Teaching (Beta)
- Microsoft Teams
- Video conference for oral examinations
Software and licenses
- Microsoft Office 365 Student Advantage Benefit
- Microsoft Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES)
- Microsoft Select Plus Academic
- Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching
- IBM Academic Initiative
- VMware Academic Program
- Software and Campus licenses
- Software shop of KIT SCC
- Software development
- Graphics and technical documentation
- Statistics and data analysis
- Computer algebra system (CAS)
- Technical scientific application
- Windows Key Management Service (KMS)
- Central printing and plotting service
- Print account
- Klausurdruck
- Lamination
- Pool-Drucker
- Scanner
- Pool-Drucker
Data (storage, sharing, management)
- KIT data storage (for Students)
- Data share and online storage for desktop data (bwSync&Share)
- Mass storage for scientific data (LSDF Online Storage)
- Anonymous ftp server
- bwDataArchive - longterm archive for scientific data
- Backup
- Serviceteam Research Data Management
- MS SQL database
- MySQL database
- Oracle database
- KIT data storage (personal directory)
- KIT data storage (OU directory)
IT working environment and mobile devices
- Group policies (GPO)
- Laptop-Ausleihservice für Studierende
- Software distribution on SCC
- Central repository for OPSI packages
- Microsoft remote desktop services (RDS)
- Web proxy
User account (password)
- KIT user account
- Guest- and partner administration (GuP)
- KIT service account
- KIT administrator account
- Activation of KIT accounts
- Shibboleth Identity Provider
- Two Factor Authentication at KIT
- Self Service Portal SCC
- Group administration for ITB
- User administration for ITB
- KIT Active Directory
- LDAP access to KIT-AD