Frequently asked questions about the Remote Desktop Service

1. how can I access the central Remote Desktop Server?
Under Windows, use the Remote Desktop Connection application. You can find it in the Start menu.
Alternatively, press the key combination <Win>+<R> and then enter mstsc.

The login dialog is shown in Figure 1.

The following data is required:
User name: KIT account in the format KIT\ab1234 or the e-mail address vorname nachname does-not-exist.kit edu

Click on the CONNECT button
2. when logging in, I get an error message "Could not connect with the credentials".
Use the format KIT\ab1234 as the user name for the login
3. which RDP client can I use under Linux?
Under Linux, we recommend the use of xfreerdp and remmina in the current version.

Domain name and user name are entered separately here.
4. how do I log out of the RDP session?
If you use the LOGOUT icon (double-click) to log out, your session will be logged out correctly.
If you log out using the X, your session will only be disconnected. (see picture 2)
5. can I send and receive encrypted messages via RDS?
You can import the certificate in Outlook via RDS in the same way as on your local computer. (Instructions on the intranet)
to 1: Login to the Remote Desktop Service
to 2: Logging off to RDS session