MS Teams - Tutorials


First Steps

Funktionen und Möglichkeiten von MS Teams werden im Internet umfangreich beschrieben. Hier möchten wir auf einige nützliche Anleitungsvideos hinweisen.


Multi-factor authentication (MFA) for the MS Cloud account

To secure the use of your own account in the cloud, you can use a second factor in the application.

Download instructions

Generate join link for students

Instructors do not want to assign students to a team individually, but rather provide students with a join link. Here we describe how to generate a join link for students.


  • Das MS Team wurde in der Organisation "Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)" angelegt
  • Das Team wird in Campus Team Connect verwaltet
  • Der Link, über den die Studierenden dem Team beitreten sollen, muss über Campus Team Connect generiert worden sein und wie folgt aussehen: „“ (=Join-Link).
  • Studierende benötigen ein gültiges MS Teams Konto am KIT - Zustimmung der Datenschutzerklärung ist erforderlich

Creation of an accession link (join link)

You can manage any team created in MS Teams in Campus Team Connect, enabling students to join independently. The following steps are necessary:

  • Optional - if the team does not exist yet
    • Open MS Team
    • Create a team in the organization "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Open
  • Log in with your KIT account
  • The website will show you a list of all your teams, whether they are managed through Campus Team Connect or not
  • Select the team you want to "share" with students and click "Team mit Connect verwalten" (Manage Team with Connect) or "Team verwalten" (Manage Team).
  • This will take you to a new page and give you the join link
    • Note: If necessary, you can also regenerate the accession link if the original link has been used before and your group of participants has changed in the meantime.
  • Copy the join link and
  • distribute this link to your students or enter exactly this join link in ILIAS
  • This join link then gives students the ability to SELF join or leave the team

Use KIT background images in MS Teams

Guide to using background images in online meetings with MS Teams.
Hintergrundeffekte anwenden

Provided background images of the KIT

At KIT, SEK provides a few wallpapers at To be able to select them in any of your MS Teams meetings, download these images and save them to the appropriate storage directory on your computer or simply select them via the desktop app.

Show background image in a MS Teams meeting

  • Start a meeting
  • Select "Background filter" below your image
  • The background settings appear on the right
  • Via "Add new" images stored in the storage directory (see below) can be added to the selection.
  • The added image appears in the selection list and can be selected
  • The selected image is automatically added to your meeting image.


Folder for background images

  • Windows
    • %appdata%\Microsoft\Teams\Backgrounds\Uploads
    • Default: %appdata%:= „c:\users\<user>\AppData\Roaming“
  • MacOS
    • /users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/Backgrounds/Uploads
  • Linux
    • @LinuxUser: If you have a solution, feel free to inform us ;-) 


If you use images and photos from the Internet or private area, please observe the copyright, copyrights and data protection. The following image properties are recommended:

  • Resolution 1920x1080 pixel
  • Color depth: 24 or 32 Bit
  • Format: PNG

Recordings of team meetings

In MS Teams, meetings can be recorded. This function will be activated on 23.08.2023.

Records of team meetings

A general guide to recording in Teams can be found at Microsoft on the Recording a Meeting in Microsoft Teams page.

Here we provide a quick guide explaining the most important points about the functionality at KIT.

Please note!
At KIT, the legal requirements for recording of participants with approved video conferencing systems at KIT generally apply.

Note that recording is only possible in a meeting that was started in a team. Also, only owners and members of a team have permission to start or stop recording a meeting. Guests and people from other organizations are not authorized to do so.

Rename team

Especially in the context of OU renaming it happens again and again that teams have to be renamed, because they carry the OU designation in their name.

Click on the team

click the three dots with the left

select the command "Edit Team

When renaming, the new OU designation is automatically placed in front of it. So you have to remove the previous OU designation from the name.

So you have to remove the leading OU in the name. In the lower line you can see the final name.
So becomes from:

this name:

Now confirm at the bottom with "Update".

Live subtitle and Transcription

Live subtitles - Released at KIT
Anyone taking part in a meeting can have the spoken words displayed live during the meeting. 
After the meeting has ended, however, the subtitle texts are no longer available or comprehensible.

  • Live subtitles will be activated on 15.11.23 at KIT to increase accessibility in MS Teams.
  • Here you will find a short guide to subtitles in meetings at KIT


Transcription - NOT approved at KIT
When transcribing, the spoken words are also logged as text.
This word log is then saved in the team or in the chat and can be read subsequently.

Plan team meetings directly in teams

Planning meetings via the personal calendar in MS Teams

Planning meetings via the personal calendar in MS Teams has been possible since the adjustment of the login names in March 2024. This allows you to schedule an online meeting in MS Teams without Outlook Client. The AddIn for Microsoft Outlook is therefore no longer required.

How to set up a Teams meeting in your personal calendar in the KIT mailbox.
  • Go to your "Calendar" in MS Teams
    • You can find this in the left navigation bar under [...] 
      -> enter "Calendar" via the search function
    • Sie sollten damit Ihren persönlichen Exchange-Kalender sehen 
  • There you create a new Teams meeting using the "+New meeting" button, specifying all meeting options
  • Save the meeting
  • Participants and organizers receive an invitation with a corresponding meeting link and can participate in the planned meeting via this link.