The SCC provides the KIT organizational units with a Microsoft Active Directory based on Windows Server 2016. The organizational units (KIT-OEs) receive access to an OU provided for them in the KIT-AD, in which they can manage their AD objects independently.

Access to the KIT-AD via LDAP

The state service bwSync&Share is an online storage service for employees and students of universities and colleges in Baden-Württemberg. It has been operated at KIT since January 1, 2014 and enables users to synchronize or exchange their data between different computers, mobile devices, and users.

This service provides every KIT student with a KIT account a highly available and centralized home directory.This is also referred to as Student Home in the following.

The OU directory is a centrally broad-based, highly available data repository for OU-specific data for an organizational unit (OU) of KIT.

The personal directory is a highly available and central data storage for personal data and documents. The repository is available to all KIT employees, but cannot be shared with other users.
The service KIT data storage (for students) is especially offered for students at KIT (see Links).

KIT students and staff can print A3 and A4 documents as well as large formats up to a maximum of 89cm on the short side on the central printers and plotters.

Certification service based on X.509 certificates for users and servers with associated documentation. X.509 certificates are also used for signing and encrypting e-mails, among other things.

Technical Client Support (TCS) is in charge of the centrally managed IT workstations at KIT. TCS sets up the workstation computers as well as connected components and configures them for centrally managed operation in the service units at KIT.

Provides session-based Windows desktops with installed standard software for KIT staff.

The SCC provides operators of an OPSI server with a repository of "standard software" for their daily use, as well as the software which is covered by the campus license.
The OPSI packages are updated immediately after the release of manufacturer updates, so that usually the latest versions are made available promptly.

The IT workstations of KIT should, on the one hand, ensure secure operation within the KIT infrastructure and, on the other hand, support the employees in research, teaching, and administration in their work in the best possible way. In order to fulfill this task for all areas, the SCC has worked out different operating models for workstation end devices. The two operating models that support decentrally organized operation are the modular model and the policy model.

The service "External IT support for workstations" is the contract for IT support for IT workstations at KIT. This can be used to cover peak loads in the support of workstation computers in the organisational units at KIT. This work can be assigned to the framework agreement partner (RVP) via individual orders in the ticket system by IT representatives.

Devices with network connection in the network of KIT (KITnet) communicate via this service and can access the internet and intranet, guest network, and contractors’ network.

The WSUS service downloads updates from Microsoft servers and makes them available in the KIT's internal network.

Advice on contract modalities for mobile devices (voice and data tariffs for mobile communications) and advice on device selection for smartphones.

Application installation and updating on local PCs is done at the SCC via Open PC Server Integration (OPSI). OPSI is used for the centralized management of software at the SCC.
This service is not yet offered for the KIT facilities. However, the SCC is prepared to provide consulting support and provides OPSI operators with a central repository for OPSI packages.

The SCC has its own software shop for distributing the software to employees and students.

This IT service offers KIT employees centrally managed and daily updated virus protection for notebooks, desktop PCs, and servers.

The KMS service enables the automatic allocation and activation of Windows and Office volume licenses.

Access to Wireless-LAN (Intranet / Gastnetz des KIT / eduroam)