- Akademische Forschung und Lehre
- Geräte des KIT
- Mitarbeiter des KIT
- siehe Lizenzbedingungen
CST STUDIO SUITE is a simulation platform for all electromagnetic field problems and couplings of electromagnetic components in circuits.
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The CST STUDIO SUITE is a simulation platform for all electromagnetic field problems and couplings of electromagnetic components in electric circuits. It is developed and distributed by CST-Computer Simulation Technology AG in Darmstadt. The suite includes many modules, of which the SCC has licensed the following:
calculates electromagnetic high-frequency fields in time and frequency domain - CST DESIGN STUDIO
is an environment in which models can be coupled together as building blocks via circuits.
The CST STUDIO suite includes a graphical interface in which the model components are generated.
The SCC has procured a limited number of university research licenses. The program system runs on Windows. Module descriptions, examples, and tutorials are accessible through the online help, and tutorials are available in PDF format and example data, respectively, in the Documentation and Examples subdirectory of the installation.
Download: http://ftp.scc.kit.edu/pub/campus/CST_Studio_Suite/
The Linux implementation of some solvers of the CST STUDIO SUITE is installed on the Linux cluster bwUniCluster of the SCC. The model can be developed on a Windows computer under the graphical interface for the time being, and the CST file can be transferred to the Linux cluster afterwards. Before you can work with the CST STUDIO SUITE product on the cluster, you must load the corresponding module first. You can get all the available software modules by running e.g. on the bwUniCluster
module avail
type in. For example, to load the CST module, type the following:
module load cae/cst/2020
Then you can start your calculation with the command "cstjob":
cstjob -j model.cst -t cpu-time -m memory -S solver [-p threads] [-q partition] [-s string]
-j Name of input file (*.cst)
-t CPU time in minutes
-m Memory
-S Solver: [r]=T-Solver, [f]=F-Solver, [q]=I-Solver, [e]=Eigenmode-Solver
-p number of threads on one node
-q partition ('single' / 'dev_single')
-s string with further options
As solver can be chosen
r transient solver (T solver)
f frequency domain solver (F solver)
qintegral solver (I solver)
pParameter Sweep
e Eigenmode solver
The cstjob command starts all parallel jobs using all requested threads on one node. Distributed parallelization on multiple nodes is not included in the license at the moment.
Extract from the CST STUDIO SUITE license agreement
The SCC has purchased a "Limited University Research License" from CST AG. According to CST AG , the following use is permitted with a "Restricted university research license." permitted:
§ 2 Granting of rights
(1) CST grants Licensee the non-exclusive, non-transferable limited right to use the Contract Software within the scope of its university operations in accordance with the following provisions. The time limit and thus the permissible period of use is determined in the relevant CST offer accepted by Licensee for the license number stated in the contract header. 2.
If the right acquired by Licensee is designated in the accepted CST offer as a "SchoolLicense" or as a "Restricted University Research License", Licensee is permitted the non-commercial use of the Contract Software within the scope of its teaching and internal research operations. The research results obtained with the aid of the contract software must be accessible to the public immediately after their development. The Licensee is not permitted to make any further use of the Licensed Software. Any use of the Licensed Software by the Licensee beyond the aforementioned restrictions, in particular for external research operations, i.e. in cooperation with third parties, as well as for other purposes that are directly or indirectly related to a research contract of a third party or another contractual relationship between a third party and the Licensee that is associated with an economic advantage of any kind for the Licensee, shall be considered as further use. In this context, the acquisition of funding of any kind with the aid of the Contract Software shall also be deemed to be an economic advantage for the Licensee. 3.
If the right acquired by the Licensee is designated as an "Extended University Research License" in the accepted CST offer, the Licensee shall be permitted to use the Contract Software on a non-commercialbasis within the scope of its teaching and internal and external research operations, i.e. also in cooperation with third parties. The Licensee may derive economic benefits within the meaning of paragraph 2 from the cooperation with third parties, provided that no commercial use by the Licensee is associated therewith (e.g. marketing of research results, distribution of products derived from research results, etc.). The research results obtained with the aid of the contract software must be accessible to the public immediately after their development. The Licensee is not permitted to make any further use of the Contract Software. Any use of the Contract Software by the Licensee beyond the foregoing restrictions shall be deemed to be further use, in particular if such use is directly or indirectly in connection with proprietary research in the Licensee's own interest or on behalf of third parties. Proprietary research shall be understood to mean any form of research whose results are not intended to be made available to the public, at least in part, or only with a time delay (e.g. contract research for confidential industrial projects). 4.
(4 ) The right of use granted by this Agreement is limited to use by members of the Licensee's university staff. The contractual software may only be used locally within the facilities of the Licensee's university. In addition, use is also permitted outside the facilities of the Licensee's university, provided that the use takes place at purely scientific events (e.g. at university congresses, symposia, etc.). Any use beyond the above local restrictions requires the prior consent of CST. Third parties are not entitled to use the Contract Software. 5.
(5 ) If a person entitled to use the Contract Software under this Agreement performs other activities in addition to his or her activities at the Licensee's university, the Licensee shall not permit him or her to use the Contract Software in connection with such other activities.
The complete contract and the general terms of use can be found on the FTP server ftp://ftp.scc.kit.edu/pub/campus/CST_Studio_Suite/ and on the website of CST AG http://www.cst.com/Content/Company/Terms.aspx.
Addition to the license agreement of CST AG on 15.07.2013:
"... The terms and conditions defined in our University License Agreement apply solely to the use of the "restricted university research license" and not to the institution itself. This essentially means that it is irrelevant whether KIT consists of merged and no longer separable organizational units, but solely for what purpose the software licenses are used. ...
Paragraph §2, section 2 defines the conditions of the "Restricted University Research License", which excludes use in external research operations, i.e. in cooperation with third parties, as well as for other purposes [...]. This also applies to the acquisition of funding of any kind [...].
Paragraph §2, section 3 shows the possibility of an "Extended University Research License". With this license type, the use of the software in funded projects, such as DFG projects, is allowed under the condition that the results are made publicly available and are not subject to a confidentiality agreement. Accordingly, should simulations be performed in DFG projects, an additional (temporary) extended university research license would need to be purchased for just that purpose ..."