• Remote Access (VPN)

  • This service provides the user with external (INTERNET) access to internal resources of the KIT (INTRANET).

By setting up a VPN (virtual private network) to the KIT, you have the option of virtually connecting own computer, which is connected to the internet at any point (e.g. DSL connection at home), to the private (internal) network of KIT (Intranet). This means that when the VPN is established, the network behaves as if the computer would be directly connected to the KIT, so all services that can only be accessed internally (websites, file services, …) are made available. The communication from the end device to the VPN-Server is encrypted. The authentication takes place with the KIT user account.

VPN access

Employees and students have automatically access to the VPN with their KIT account. Other people can only get VPN access if they have a GuP-account (GuP stands for “guests and partners”).

GuP-account (guests and partners): A GuP account must be activated separately by the IT-representative of the institute by adding the account to a special group (<OE>-VPN-user or <OE>-VPN-Realm). Such an account can only be obtained from the institute of which one is a guest or partner.

External persons who exclusively use the library cannot obtain a GuP account.


All further information, instructions and downloads can be found on the following page: OpenVPN
Please send questions and comments about the VPN-service by e-mail to vpn@scc.kit.edu

Technical requirement

• PC/notebook (Windows, Mac OS X, Lunx) or mobile device (Android, iOS)
• Internet access


Remote Access (VPN)