• Tecplot

  • The functional focus of Tecplot is the display of 3-D flow data.

  • License type:
    Licensed for:
  • Services provided by SCC:

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The data visualization software package Tecplot has been procured as a campus license (network licenses with borough function).
At SCC Tecplot is installed on the KIT parallel computer bwUniCluster 2.0.

The functional focus of Tecplot is the display of 3-D flow data, for which the CFD analyzer was also procured.

Getting started with Tecplot

For testing purposes, Tecplot does not necessarily have to be installed on your own computer, you can also log in to the KIT parallel computer bwUniCluster 2.0 and start working with it immediately.
Regardless of whether you want to work with Tecplot directly on the bwUniCluster 2.0, or 'only' run the demo programs, you must first load the module belonging to Tecplot. To do this, type the following:

$ module add vis/tecplot

This module sets some environment variables needed by Tecplot. The program itself can only be called on an interactive node - not on the login node. Tecplot can be started on the interactive node (see bwUniCluster wiki) with the following command:

$ tec360-mesa

If you want to view examples, click on a "Layout" in the graphical interface below "Recent Layouts".

The installers can be found at https://ftp.scc.kit.edu/pub/campus/Tecplot/.
Please enter


as license manager and 27100 as port.