EOSC Beyond overall objective is to advance Open Science and innovation in research in the context of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by providing new EOSC Core capabilities allowing scientific applications to find, compose and access multiple Open Science resources and offer them as integrated capabilities to researchers
Resilient, powerful and flexible network operation and the provision of individualized and secure network services are at the core of bwNET2.0. The aim is to contribute to fundamental research in the field of autonomous networks on the one hand and to design and implement concrete building blocks and mechanisms that can be used to further develop BelWü and campus networks on the other.
The aim of this project is to strengthen research-oriented teaching, especially in the areas of AI, machine learning, simulation and modeling, by providing a state-wide service bwJupyter.
The bwCloud has been an established and well-received state service since 2018, which meets the demand for interactive, high-performance, resource-intensive infrastructure as a service services. The bwCloud3 project aims to add explicit service components to this existing infrastructure as a service service and thus create a range of value-added services, such as a connection to campus management and learning management systems. In addition, the aim is to improve the climate compatibility of the bwCloud through various measures, to ensure consistent IT security at a high level and to establish a business model. These goals are to be achieved over a project duration of four years, during which time the bwCloud is to be released into independent and long-term financing.
The AquaINFRA project aims to develop a virtual environment equipped with FAIR multi-disciplinary data and services to support marine and freshwater scientists and stakeholders restoring healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters. The AquaINFRA virtual environment will enable the target stakeholders to store, share, access, analyse and process research data and other research digital objects from their own discipline, across research infrastructures, disciplines and national borders leveraging on EOSC and the other existing operational dataspaces. Besides supporting the ongoing development of the EOSC as an overarching research infrastructure, AquaINFRA is addressing the specific need for enabling researchers from the marine and freshwater communities to work and collaborate across those two domains.
The amount and diversity of digitally available environmental data is continuously increasing. However, they are often hardly accessible or scientifically usable. The datasets frequently lack sufficient metadata description, are stored in a variety of data formats, and are still saved on local storage devices instead of data portals or repositories. Based on the virtual research environment V-FOR-WaTer, which was developed in a previous project, ISABEL aims at making this data abundance available in an easy-to-use web portal. Environmental scientists get access to data from different sources, e.g. state offices or university projects, and can share their own data through the portal. Integrated tools help to easily pre-process and scale the data and make them available in a consistent format. Further tools for more complex scientific analyses will be included. These are both implemented by the developers of the portal according to the requirements of the scientific community and contributed directly by the portal’s users. The possibility to store workflows together with the tools and respective data ensures reproducible data analysis. Additionally, interfaces with existing data repositories enable easy publication of the scientists’ data directly from the portal. ISABEL addresses the needs of researchers of hydrology and environmental science to not only find and access datasets but also conduct efficient data-based learning with standardised tools and reproducible workflows.
Skills4EOSC brings together leading experts from national, regional, institutional and thematic open science and data competence centers from 18 European countries with the aim of unifying the current training and education landscape into a common cross-European ecosystem to train researchers and data specialists from Europe at an accelerated pace in the fields of FAIR open data, data-intensive science and scientific data management.
In the bwCampusnetz project, several universities in Baden-Württemberg are working together to shed light on university campus networks away from the constraints of day-to-day business, but still very close to the realities of operation. Future-proof concepts are to be found and their practical feasibility is to be investigated and demonstrated through prototypical implementations.
Helmholtz Federated IT Services (HIFIS) establishes a secure and easy-to-use collaborative environment with ICT services that are efficient and accessible from anywhere. HIFIS also supports the development of research software with a high level of quality, visibility and sustainability.
The Gaia-X is an European initiative that aims to provide a secure and trustworthy platform for data sharing and collaboration across various industries and sectors in Europe. One of the main goals of the Gaia-X4ICM research initiative for the Innovations Campus Future Mobility (ICM) is to create the basic infrastructure with all necessary hardware and software components that play a significant role in connecting various sectors involved in an industrial production process. The SCC builds and runs such a cloud infrastructure that operates on our own hardware retaining control over the digital infrastructure and data – ensuring data sovereignty, privacy and security.
EOSC Future responds to INFRAEOSC-03-2020 call in order to integrate, consolidate, and connect e-infrastructures, research communities, and initiatives in Open Science to further develop the EOSC Portal, EOSC-Core and EOSCExchange of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
The EOSC Synergy project aims to expand the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). A team of 25 engineers and scientists will work on the expansion of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) by integrating National and Scientific Infrastructures.
EOSC-Pillar will coordinate national Open Science efforts across Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy, and ensure their contribution and readiness for the implementation of the EOSC.
SCC is a prominent partner in the EOSC-secretariat.eu, supporting governance for EOSC while working with communities towards an all-encompassing European Open Science Cloud.
EOSC-hub möchte u. a. einen einfachen Zugang zu hochqualitativen digitalen Diensten schaffen, die von den pan-europäischen Partnern in einem offenen Service-Katalog angeboten werden.
The DHDC project investigates how to support compute-intensive applications that require high-performance computing (HPC) and graphics processors (GPUs) with the help of cloud services.
The Baden-Württemberg Cloud provides teaching and research institutions in the state with virtual machines that can be used like corresponding offerings from commercial providers without a lengthy application process.