Collaborate and communicate
Networking, sharing information and collaborating on documents is essential today. Here you will find the services and applications that support collaboration and make communication, both internal and external, more efficient.
- Email at KIT
- Mailing lists KIT
- Mailing lists DFN
- Reporting method for malicious messages and spam
- Spamcheck
- E-Mail-Konzept der Universität
Collaboration (Groupware)
- Info
- GitLab am KIT
- KIT Team sites
- File exchange and online storage for desktop data (bwSync&Share)
- Videoconferencing and teleteaching
- Video conferencing for committees and KIT facilities
- Overleaf at KIT - Collaborative work with LaTeX
- Matrix
- Microsoft Teams
- Online surveys for KIT committees (LimeSurvey)
- Online surveys with SoSci Survey
Data (storage, sharing, management)
- File exchange and online storage for desktop data (bwSync&Share)
- KIT data storage (OU directory)
- Oracle database
- PostgreSQL Datenbanken
- Backup
- Mass storage for scientific data (LSDF Online Storage)
- Serviceteam Research Data Management
- KIT data storage (personal directory)