Research data management
Research and development of digital infrastructures for research data management
Digital research data management supports almost all parts of the research cycle, from data creation, analysis and presentation to the long-term preservation of research results. Metadata describe the content of the data in a sustainable way and enable its scientific reuse by fulfilling the FAIR principles.
At the SCC, we research and develop various methods and components for research data management in the following departments
- Data Analytics, Access and Applications (D3A)
- Data Exploitation Methods (DEM)
- Scientific Computing & Mathematics (SCM)
The SCC and partners provide essential data infrastructures for researchers:
- Overview of data services
- Large Scale Data Facility (LSDF)
- Grid Computing Center Karlsruhe (GridKA)
- Research Data Management at KIT (RDM∂KIT)
- Research Data Repository (RADAR∂KIT)