Domain Name Service (DNS)
The Domain Name Service for KIT includes the operation of the DNS-Server, the provision of the self-service portal DNSVS and the execution of domain registration for domains approved by KNN.
- Contact:dns-betrieb@scc.kit.edu
The domain name service is comparable to a telephone book. Each unit in the KIT network is automatically or manually assigned an IP address for communication. For a browser to be able to reach the corresponding server behind a website or an email can be delivered, the name is resolved to the corresponding IP address in the background. For this purpose, DNS servers are operated at KIT by the Networks and Telecommunications Department. A distinction must be made here between the authoritative name servers, which provide the DNS entries of KIT worldwide, and the resolvers, which query the global DNS system for an end device at KIT.
Entries in the DNS system at KIT can be made by IT administrators at KIT via the self-service portal DNSVS developed at SCC. New subdomains <subdomain>.kit.edu or domains outside the namespace below kit.edu must be approved by the Karlsruhe Names and Numbers (KNN) committee.