Open Positions

Are you interested in joining our team? That is excellent news! We welcome individuals at any stage of their career. Whether you are seeking a role as a student assistant, doctoral researcher, or postdoctoral researcher, please feel free to contact us.

You will be an excellent fit for our group if you are enthusiastic about

  • Developing new methods in applied mathematics and data science
  • Implementing theoretical models and methods in reusable and performant software tools
  • Applying modern methods and tools to real problems, e.g., from Medicine or Climate Science


Thesis Projects

We have a variety of exciting thesis projects available for students interested in topics at the interfaces of applied mathematics, machine learning in conjunction with simulation-based methods, and computer sciences. A selection of specific thesis projects is regularly listed below. However, we also offer other topics and encourage students to suggest their own ideas for potential thesis projects in these fields.

Topic Contact
J. Borodavka
Is Gaussian process regression robust under weakly perturbed data? J. Borodavka

If you want to pursue your thesis project with us, email Tenure-Track-Prof. Dr. Krumscheid or the contact person listed above. Please share with us your interests and background.


Completed thesis projects

Type Title Supervisor
M.Sc. Prior Fields for the Inverse Problem of Cardiac Electrophysiology S. Krumscheid and M. Kruse
B.Sc. Konsensbasierte Optimierung zur Hyperparameteroptimierung bei neuronalen Netzen S. Krumscheid
B.Sc. Inference for Differential Equations via Probabilistic Numerics S. Krumscheid
M.Sc. Explainable Hybrid Methods for Quality Assurance in End-of-Line Battery Testing S. Krumscheid
M.Sc. Derivative Informed Learning of High-Dimensional Parametric Maps Induced by PDEs with Reduced Hessian Informed Neural Operators S. Krumscheid and M. Kruse
B.Sc. Stochastic optimal control problems of a diesel generator in a microgrid S. Krumscheid
B.Sc. Transport Maps: Sampling via optimal measure transport S. Krumscheid
M.Sc. Polynomial Regression with Reduced Computational Cost: A Multilevel Least Squares approach S. Krumscheid