Software (SW shop, licenses)
Daten (Speichern, Teilen, Verwalten)
Statistics and data analysis software
High Performance Computing
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) includes all types of computer support in engineering.
High Performance Computing

Computer algebra systems are used to solve mathematical problems using symbolic methods. 
The SCC provides the two systems Maple and Mathematica as campus licenses for the KIT.

High Performance Computing

Compilers and tools for software development.

High Performance Computing

Consulting and support for technical-scientific software at KIT

IT-Arbeitsplatz & Mobile Geräte

The SCC has its own software shop for distributing the software to employees and students.

IT-Arbeitsplatz & Mobile Geräte

The KMS service enables the automatic allocation and activation of Windows and Office volume licenses.

Software und Lizenzen
Since 2023, the SCC has been providing the DevOps platform GitLab as a KIT-wide service at to support software development, especially for research (Research Software Engineering). The SCC provides the service in cluster operation for up to 5000 simultaneous users.
Software und Lizenzen
SCC offers various suites and individual products in the field of image processing, graphic design and technical documentation.
Software und Lizenzen

Software subscription to support academic teaching.

Software und Lizenzen

Microsoft 365 Apps for Education for students

Software und Lizenzen

Software subscription to support academic teaching.

Software und Lizenzen

Accession agreement to the Microsoft Higher Education Framework Agreement

Software und Lizenzen

Microsoft's licensing program for the purchase of licenses at university conditions.

Software und Lizenzen

The easy-to-use, collaborative, online LaTeX editor Overleaf is available to all KIT employees and students. This software is a cloud service at A portal has been set up for the KIT:

Software und Lizenzen

Software subscription to support academic teaching.