Calendar - shared or for rooms

A shared calendar or a calendar for managing a room or other resources can be implemented with a mailbox on the Exchange Server.

Case A: a shared calendar

Case B: a room

Case A: a shared calendar

  • Calendar manager receives full mailbox access
    • Admin adds him/her to the group OU-purpose-VZ
  • Calendar manager sets permissions on calendar
  • Calendar users open calendar for reading or creating appointments

Case B: a room

In the case of a room or other resources, a different procedure must be followed to avoid double bookings or other conflicts.

  • Calendar manager receives full mailbox access
    • Admin adds him/her to the OU purpose VZ group
  • Room manager
    • enables automatic processing of meeting requests
    • optionally specifies a group of people (bookers) who are allowed to book automatically.
    • sets additional scheduling options
  • Booker
  • Variant
    • Booking request must be approved by the room delegate
  • Tip
    • for booker full reading rights (all details) on the calendar

How does a room booking work?

  • Booker
    • creates appointment in own calendar
    • Invites room as attendee
  • Room mailbox
    • receives a meeting request
    • automatically accepts or declines
  • Change room reservation
    • Booker (meeting organizer) sends meeting update
  • Meeting is canceled
    • Booker (meeting organizer) sends cancellation.