The service descriptions are being translated at the moment

If there´s no English information available please use the German counterpart. We are working on the English translations right now and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Teaching and learning systems
Microsoft Teams is a cloud platform that combines chat, meetings, video conferencing, notes, collaborative file editing and sharing, and tasks. This supports teamwork and especially collaboration with colleagues in a hybrid work environment.

Functionalities/possibilities offered by MS Teams in general are limited at KIT.
Lehr- und Lernsysteme

The Campus Management Portal for Students (Student Portal) is the campus management platform for students and offers various IT services for self-service students (course catalogue, personal timetable, exam registration and cancellation, download of various certificates, etc.).

Lehr- und Lernsysteme

The Campus Management System "CAS Campus" is the central information system at KIT for the management of all processes related to studying and teaching.

Lehr- und Lernsysteme
In the pilot phase, this service only supports a limited number of courses. It is only accessible to teachers and students of KIT and offers a low-threshold tool for programming, data processing and visualization.
Lehr- und Lernsysteme
ILIAS is a web-based learning platform (Learning Management System, LMS) for creating and publishing digital teaching and learning materials for e-learning. In addition, ILIAS supports communication and cooperation among teachers and students, offers the creation and execution of online tests, exams, and evaluations, and the implementation of didactic structures for complete courses. The platform is available to all teachers and students at KIT, access is via, login is done with the KIT account.
Lehr- und Lernsysteme

Video conference for oral examinations

For conducting oral examinations via video conference, KIT hosts the web application Jitsi Meet. Apart from a suitable web browser, no other software needs to be installed. The KIT recommends the use of this service for conducting oral examinations via video conference.