Symbolbild zeigt Logos der Microsoft Cloud-Dienste um eine Wolke herum angeordnet. Ein Zeigefinger einer Hand zeigt in die Wolke, dort ist das Symbol von M365 zu sehen.KI-generiert / Microsoft
Cloud-based software platform Microsoft 365 at KIT

The way is clear for the cloud-based software platform Microsoft 365 at KIT. The Executive Board decides to provide such a platform for all employees.

New project - AARC TREE

Based on the successful AARC Blueprint Architecture model, AARC TREE takes the integration of research infrastructures to the next level.

Die neue HoreKa-Erweiterung HoreKa Teal (rechts im Bild) mit insgesamt 88 warmwassergekühlten Grafikbeschleunigerprozessoren neben dem im Juni 2021 in Betrieb genommenen Hochleistungsrechner Karlsruhe (im Hintergrund). KIT
KIT supercomputer one of the most energy-efficient in the world

The High Performance Computer Karlsruhe (HoreKa), which has been in operation at KIT's SCC since June 2021, is currently one of the fastest computers in Europe. Following a recent upgrade, it is now also ranked 6th in the biannual Green 500 list of the world's most energy-efficient computers.

Das ARTIST-Logo vor dem Jülicher Heliostatfeld.
New Project - ARTIST

In the ARTIST project "AI-enhanced differentiable Ray Tracer for Irradiation-concentrating Solar Towers", researchers are developing a digital twin to optimize solar power plants.

Blick in den Lesesaal der VatikanbibliothekThe New Yorker
A visit to the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana

As part of the joint project “Materialized Holiness”, SCC researchers have the unique opportunity to visit one of the most valuable collections of literature in the world.

Bild zeigt ein Solarfeld auf grüner Wiese im Hintergrund ein wolkenloser Himmel.Zbynek Burival
Helmholtz Association funds new SOL-AI project

The SOL-AI project, in which the Scientific Computing Center of KIT is also involved, aims to accelerate the development and optimization of photovoltaic materials using state-of-the-art AI models.

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    SCC is involved in various research projects. The cooperation partners include universities and research institutions as well as companies, both national and international.

    Project Overview
    Vortrag Virtualisierung
    Research Topics

    The focus is on high-performance computing & data-intensive computing, simulation labs, grid and cloud computing and large scale data management & analysis.

    High-performance Computing

    Operation of large-scale facilities for scientific high-performance computing and data-intensive science within the framework of secure IT federations.


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