• Adobe Connect Web Conference

  • Adobe Connect is a powerful web communication system that lets you hold virtual audiovisual meetings, show presentations, and also collaborate on documents. All you need is a web browser or smartphone app.

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Adobe Connect: Online meeting and collaboration

KIT has concluded a service agreement with DFN-Verein for the use of the DFNconf conference service in the German Research Network. You can therefore use the Adobe Connect service (web conference) of the DFN free of charge:
Please log in via "Login via DFN-AAI or DFNConf" at https://webconf.vc.dfn.de/. Here you can use your KIT account. The service for the DFN services is provided by the SCC.

Adobe Connect is an online application that allows you to instantly meet with colleagues, project collaborators, and students - anytime, anywhere. All you need is the Adobe Flash plug-in and a browser, or an app for your smartphone, and you can enter a meeting room, view meetings, and join meetings online. In a meeting, you can view a variety of materials, including PowerPoint slides, digital videos, PDF documents, Flash simulations, and other types of media.

A maximum of 200 users can participate in meetings simultaneously on the webconf.vc.dfn.com server.

Adobe Connect features an easy-to-use interface. Meeting components can be easily assembled and configured by the meeting host. Uploaded PowerPoint presentations, for example, are automatically converted and are then immediately available.

All communication between the Adobe Connect server and the client computers is secured by SSL encryption. This ensures a secure exchange of data, video, and audio streams.

Adobe Connect Meeting is also optimized for smaller bandwidths. The system is also very usable with DSL.

If you would like to use the system or just get to know it, please contact the person in charge.