FAQ - User account
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Terms of use
Deanonymize student e-mail address
At https://my.scc.kit.edu under "My User Data"-"Deanonymization" (navigation), select the appropriate option. After saving, the email address generated by the deanonymization process will be displayed. This makes the e-mail address visible in the KIT global address book.
Do external students get an account in the SCC?
No, the resources of the SCC are basically only available to KIT students.
Costs for the use of the facilities
For members of KIT and other universities of the country as well as for members of institutions for which the SCC was co-established, the services of the SCC are free of charge. The Scientific Supercomputing Center (SSC) Karlsruhe, which is located at the SCC, provides computing time of the state supercomputer HP XC6000 (XC1) nationwide and passes it on to users from science and research as well as, on behalf of hww (Höchstleistungsrechner für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft Betriebsgesellschaft mbH), to partners from industry and business at conditions and quotas set by the steering committee. Users from public science and research can access the supercomputer capacity offered via the SSC Karlsruhe free of charge. However, according to the guidelines, a project application has to be submitted first, which has to be approved by the steering committee after a review procedure.
Password guidelines
Handling of passwords Care must be taken to ensure that passwords or other key material are handled securely. If possible, the password should not be written down. If this is not possible, care must be taken to ensure that the password cannot be linked to the SCC account. This is also regulated by the Administration and Usage Regulations § 8.6 of 19.12.2005.
Resetting pass words It is generally not possible to have a password reset by a ServiceDesk employee over the phone. Any request of this kind must and can only be answered negatively. You must either present your staff or student ID in person during opening hours, or - in the case of staff - leave the process to your Instiuts IT representative!
How can I access my student home directory?
see: KIT data storage (for students)
What equipment is available for training?
Hardware: 380 Pentium PCs with Windows XP and Debian-Linux
The devices are located in the pool rooms A to L (SCC building 20.21) as well as in the M-Pool in building 10.50 and in the N-Pool in building 30.35. The access times vary locally, the H-Pool at SCC, for example, is open continuously from Monday to Saturday (via KIT-Card). The devices are Pentium PCs with at least 2 GHz, 512 MB RAM and 19" screens (mostly LCD). Windows XP or Debian-Linux can be selected via boot menu, login is possible with the student account or with a course account. A set of standard software is installed on both systems, the special software required for course operation is installed centrally if necessary (please notify the system administrator in good time!).
General: The PCs may only be operated under supervision, which is to be provided by the course organizer. The SCC takes over the operational organization, the coordination of the equipment allocation and the maintenance supervision.
During off-peak hours (evenings) and for block courses during semester breaks, the equipment may still be occupied elsewhere. Generally, all courses can be accommodated here, but schedules must be coordinated early. Large screen projection is available for all computer systems in Seminar Room 217 of the SCC. Please have Ms. Hopprich reserve a date well in advance, as the room is also used elsewhere for lectures. Data projectors are also available for the course rooms. Reservations can be made through Mrs. Rogge .
Free practicing: If there are no courses, the Pentium PCs in rooms -110, -111, -112, -119, -120, -121, 114.1/114.2 can be used all day for free practicing. Please refer to the SCC bulletin boards or occupancy schedules in this regard.
Is usage data logged and for what purpose?
When IT services and resources are used, usage logs known as log files are stored.
The handling of these log files and the data stored in them is regulated in the IuK-Ordnung of KIT on page 232 § 8 "Rights and duties of the operator" in section (4) and following.