GridKa Governance

Overview Board (OB)

Oversees the operation of GridKa and decides on financial matters and serves as the user approval body required for a Helmholtz LKII large-scale research facility. The OB decides on technical issues in case of conflicts in the Technical Advisory Board (TAB).


The GridKa OB meets twice a year or upon request of at least two members. The agenda and minutes are kept in the SCC Indico.


Chair Person:Marc Weber

SCC Board of Directors: Achim Streit, Martin Nußbaumer, Martin Frank

GridKa Management: Andreas Petzold

BMBF Representation (permanent guests): Barbara Ohnesorge  (BMBF Department 711), Wolfgang Ehrenfeld (Project Management DESY)

KHuK Representation: Silvia Masciocchi (GSI)

KET Representation: Markus Schumacher (University of Freiburg)

KAT Representation: Martin Erdmann (RWTH)

Experiment Representation:

ALICE Torsten Kolleger (GSI)
ATLAS Arnulf Quadt (Georg-August-University Göttingen)
CMS Günter Quast (KIT)
Belle II Thomas Kuhr (LMU)
LHCb Michael Schmelling (MPI Heidelberg)
Astroparticle physics experiments Martin Erdmann (RWTH)

TAB Chair: Manuel Giffels (KIT), Jörg Marks (University of Heidelberg)

Tier-2 Representation: DESY-Tier 2: Philipp  Neumann (DESY), University Tier-2s + MPG: Markus Schumacher (University of Freiburg)

Technical Advisory Board (TAB)

Represents GridKa users and advises GridKa on technical issues.


The GridKa TAB meets every two months. The agenda and minutes are kept in CERN Indico.


TAB Chair: Manuel Giffels (KIT), Jörg Marks (University of Heidelberg).

GridKa Management (permanent guest): Andreas Petzold

Experiment Representation:

ALICE Raffaele Grosso (GSI), Jeremy Wilkinson (GSI)
ATLAS Michael Böhler (Uni Freiburg), Torsten Harenberg (University of Wuppertal)
BaBar Concetta Cartaro (SLAC), Markus Ebert (University of Victoria)
Belle II Andreas Gellrich (DESY), Florian Bernlochner (University of Bonn)
CMS Manuel Giffels (KIT), Thomas Kreß (RWTH Aachen)
COMPASS Jan Friedrich (TU Munich), Florian Kaspart (TU Munich)
IceCube Jakob van Santen (DESY), Andreas Haungs (KIT)
LHCb Jörg Marks (University of Heidelberg), Alexey Zhelezov (University of Heidelberg)

Pierre Auger Observatory

Eva Maria Martins dos Santos (FZU Prague)

Tier 2 representation: Kilian Schwarz (DESY)

DESY representation: Thomas Hartmann (DESY)