Research Group Distributed and Parallel High Performance Systems

The DPHPS (Distributed & Parallel High Performance Systems) group is tightly integrated in SCC and thus allows a close interaction of research topics, system-related and operational aspects of IT research infrastructures and practice-oriented teaching. The focus is on three major subject areas: Data Management, Data Intensive Computing and Cloud Computing.

In Data Management, research & development is about methods and technologies for distributed, efficient and secure handling of research data and for data archiving for the entire data life cycle. These methods and technologies are used in practice in cooperation with national and international partners and in close cooperation with application sciences. A special focus is on the handling of large-scale research data.

In Data Intensive Computing, research & development focusses on efficient scheduling methods (e.g. to bring computing jobs and data together more efficiently) as well as methods and tools for data analysis. Furthermore, parallel simulations and data analysis applications are developed and scaled for use on state-of-the-art, heterogeneous parallel high performance systems and optimized for efficient use of thousands of processor cores.

In Cloud Computing, efficient methods for the management and use of distributed resources (e.g. through scheduling and auctions) are developed and their performance is evaluated. The above-mentioned topics are integrated in the research-oriented lectures "Parallel Computing and Parallel Programming" and "Distributed Computing" as well as in seminars and praktika. In (almost) all research topics, student projects and bachelor/master are possible. More details can be found here or directly contact Achim Streit.

Scheme of the complete Data Life Cycle supported by the DLC-Labs of SCC Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Supporting the complete Data Life Cycle