Guest and Partner Management (GuP)
With the Guest and Partner Management (GuP), KIT organizational units can provide their partners with the accounts and services necessary for collaboration. The GuP is an application in the User Portal (UP).
- Contact:servicedesk@scc.kit.edu
- Advisory services: Arnd Pickhardt
In addition to employees and students, there are numerous persons at KIT who do not directly belong to KIT, but who also need an e-mail box and a KIT account for their cooperation with KIT and who may want to use further services. The spectrum ranges from employees of an external company to doctoral students and scholarship holders to guest scientists, all of whom are grouped under the generic term "guests and partners".
Partner data is entered via the User Portal (https://up.scc.kit.edu/). After entry in UP, partners receive a KIT account and a KIT mailbox with e-mail address in an automated process by IDM. The new partner and the ITB of the entering organizational unit are informed by e-mail about the creation of the new account. The newly created partner will then receive his confidential access data by internal mail.
In order to maintain guest and partner data in UP, the appropriate authorization is required. For this purpose, please send the corresponding application form signed by the head of the organizational unit to sap-benutzerverwaltung@scc.kit.edu.
Activation of GuP accounts
For more information on activation, please refer to the service description Activation of Employee, Guest and Partner Accounts.
Authorization of GuP accounts
The permissions assigned to GuP accounts can be viewed in the Accounts - Permissions page in the table in the "Accounts supplied by GuP (Guest and Partner) Management" section. The permission differs depending on the role assigned to the GuP account.
Deactivation of GuP accounts
GuP accounts can be created with a validity period of up to two years. Deactivation is possible at any time. When the validity period of the GuP account entered in UP expires, the account is automatically deactivated. Any desired extension must be carried out by the organizational unit concerned by setting the termination date a maximum of two years into the future.
Included services
Each partner is provided with various services. The account can also be used for chargeable services:
- KIT account
- KIT mailbox with e-mail address ab1234@partner.kit.edu (and e-mail address vorname.nachname@partner.kit.edu upon activation)
- optional: VPN access can be set up for an existing GuP account via the group administration; for this purpose, the GuP account must be entered in the OU VPN Users group by the ITB of the relevant organizational unit
- optional: KIT guest card (university area; limited functionality)
For doctoral students, scholarship holders and private lecturers, an @kit.edu e-mail address can be assigned in addition to the @partner.kit.edu e-mail address by correspondingly entering the roles "doctoral student" (not "doctoral student (partner)"), "scholarship holder" (not "scholarship holder (partner)") and "private lecturer" in the SAP interface. Similarly, partners who are assigned the roles of "Research Assistant" or "Student Assistant" in the SAP interface are assigned an @kit.edu email address beginning with firstname.lastname9.
Doctoral students (not "Doctoral Student (Partner)") also have access to software (Software Shop) and literature (Library Services) to the same extent as employees.
Services not included
It is not possible to merge partner and staff accounts. In the event that a partner account is created in addition to an employee account, e.g., because an employee contract is expiring or has already expired (and the employee account may continue to be used for a limited time but will eventually be eliminated), it is recommended that e-mail be forwarded from the employee account to the partner account (@partner.kit.edu) and that the partner account be used as the main e-mail account early on, so that e-mail contacts can gradually adjust to the change and the long-term imminent elimination of the employee account.
Guest and partner management is intended to manage personal accounts only. Anonymous accounts are therefore not permitted.
In addition, in accordance with the CIO's instructions, no additional alias or UPN, other than KIT-KONTO@partner.kit.edu, will be assigned to GuP accounts (login name exclusively in the form ab1234@partner.kit.edu).
Organizational requirements
Authorization to maintain guest and partner data in UP must be requested for the organizational unit (see https://www.scc.kit.edu/dienste/12778.php).
Please also note the information on data protection regarding the creation of an account for the guest and partner administration (GuP) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Technical prerequisites
Access to UP (https://up.scc.kit.edu/)