Each examiner is provided with one exclusive instance of the video conferencing application Jitsi Meet per requested exam day. Any number of exam rooms can be created in this instance. To simplify the process, the examiner specifies the number of exams to be performed when requesting the Jitsi instance. A separate URL is then created for each exam pointing to a pre-allocated room. The number of requested examination rooms can be larger than the actual need. It is also possible to add rooms later instantaneously. Per examinee, one examination room is intended.
Planning the examination
The jitsi instances are assigned on a daily basis. To apply for an instance it is sufficient to enter the following information under
in the tab Create new examination day.
- Date of the appointment
- Description of the date
- Number of examination rooms
- KIT-Account short code of the examiner
- optional: KIT-Account short code of the exam administrator (typically the secretary)
By clicking on Save new appointment the request is completed. The examination rooms will be available on the day of the examination.
Instances applied for at short notice, i.e. on the day of the examination, are available with a time delay of about 10 - 15 minutes.
Under the tab My booked exams the examiner and the exam administrator can review the instances booked so far and if necessary increase the number of examination rooms. In addition, an e-mail with the identical information is sent to the examiner and, if applicable, the exam administrator.
Please note: An examination room should be used exclusively for one examinee! An exam room can be entered by anyone with the URL. Therefore, the URL of the examination room must be treated confidentially and only the examinee, the transcriber and other examiners are allowed to pass it. The exam room URL needs to be sent to the examinee manually by e-mail as part of the usual appointment arrangements, in addition to the date and time. This is to be carried out by the examiner or the exam administrator in preparation for the exam. Passwords or other access credentials are not to be passed on.
If an exam room URL is invoked outside of the exam day, the examiner will be redirected to a website which will indicate the untimely visit.
Conducting the examination
On the exam date, the examiner opens the exam room URL associating with the examinee. When entering one of the examination rooms for the first time, the visitor's role is requested first. The examiner affirms his role as organizer by clicking the button I am the organizer. The organizer user name and the organizer password are then entered in the corresponding fields. This information can be found in the overview tab My booked exams at
as well as in the confirmation mail.
As soon as the examiner has entered and thereby opened the exam room, the examinee can enter it without any further access restrictions. If the examinee is the first person to access the exam room URL, he/she can only enter the room after the examiner has entered the room.
As long as the same browser is used and the browser cache is not deleted it is no longer necessary to reenter the username and password when entering the other examination rooms on the same day.
The verification of the examinee's identity is done in the same way as for a presence examination by means of an identity card and/or student ID. There is no recording of the video conference. It is protocolled as usual by a person present.
It must be ensured that no third parties enter the examination room during the examination. Since the specific examination room URL is only known to the examiners, the exam adminstrator and the examinee, the appearance of third parties must be regarded as an attempt to deceive.
After completion of the examination, the red button is used to hang up.
Shared documents and dashboards
The function to edit documents or whiteboards collaboratively is not available. It is recommended to use the service bwSync&Share
for this purpose and to create a link to a document to be shared in advance.