Dr.  Jordan DenevUli Weiss

Dr. Jordan Denev

My recent research activities are in turbulent fluid flows with complex chemical reactions and radiative heat transfer. This is acomplished through high-performance parallel computations and the method is called Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). These types of simulations resolve the finest micro-scale turbulent structures and offer reliable data for deeper understanding of the physical phenomena as well as for collecting important statistical quantities or for verification of other models. The application problems are related to engineering with energy conversion as e.g. combustion, torrefaction of biomaterials, droplet formation in microfluidic channels or decreasing of hazardous emissions from passenger cars. 

As part of the team of SimDataLabs I organize teaching courses in parallel computations and support engineering users which face challanges in modelling heat and mass transfer problems when using the supercomputers of SCC.  


Current projects

bwHPC-c5: Chairing of the Competence Centre for Engineering

The Competence Centre for Engineering is an administrative structure which clusters knowledge and competences for the professional user support on high-performance computers throughout the state of Baden-Württemberg. 

The tasks of the Competence Center for Engineerin include:

  • Establishment of subject-specific consulting and support services (also through so-called tiger teams)

  • Provision of subject-specific software on the high-performance computers in Baden-Württemberg

  • Identification and implementation of code optimization measures

  • Documentation of ongoing and completed support projects

Further information at: ( https://www.bwhpc.de/teams.php )


NHR@KIT:  Chairing of the SimDataLab "Engineering for Energy and Mobility" 

The Simulation and Data Life Cycle Labs (SimDataLabs) form an interface between users and operators of high-performance computers (HPC). Important for the SCC and SimDataLab "Engineering for Energy and Mobility" are the contacts with active numerical groups at KIT that conduct computationally intensive simulations (CFD, multiphysics). For this purpose, courses for supercomputer users as well as personal conversations and discussions are important to provide feedback from the users of HPC systems and allow better planning and intensive utilization of HPC resources.

Joint research is conducted and doctoral students are trained in the field of turbulence and optimization of high-performance computing in collaboration with the Engler-Bunte-Institute, Combustion Division and the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines at KIT, as well as with the University of Rostock (Chair of Modeling and Simulation). Further information can be found at ( https://www.scc.kit.edu/forschung/14972.php ).


Project "World of Simulations"

The project "World of Simulations" combines the efforts of scientists and professors from SCC, teachers and school students to popularise methods and results from scientific simulations in secondary schools in the state Baden-Württemberg ( https://www.simulierte-welten.de/ ).



Scientific Topics and Areas of Interest

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), code-development and code-optimization
  • High-Performance Computiong (HPC) of turbulent flows with heat- and mass transfer
  • Euler-Lagrange simulations for supercomputers
  • Simulation of turbulent premixed flames and torrefaction of biomass
  • Jet in crossflow
  • Microfluidics


Current publications can be found on: