First Steps at SCC - Info for New Employees

SCC usually provides part of an IT service that is used at an organizational unit; another part is often provided in the OU, tailored to the specific need. Thus, SCC and the OU share the responsibility of proper operation of the corresponding IT service.

The IT Commissioners in your organizational unit therefore act as the first point of contact.
You can reach the IT Commissioners (ITB) at the address ITB-<OE> (example ITB-PSE does-not-exist.scc kit edu for ITB of the Personalservice).

The Service Desk of the SCC will be happy to assist you in your entry into the IT world of KIT.

Set up:


1. activate user account

2. individualize

3. set up e-mail

4. apply for e-mail certificate


Frau vor Bildschirm
Work at home

The SCC provides information and tools for working in a home office.

Configure your account

The KIT user account, also called KIT account, is the basis for many IT services in the KIT network for all KIT members. It provides access to systems and services and is generally used as a "Login" in the KIT environment.

Activate KIT user account


Prerequisite for using the services is a user account, which is created for all employees of PSE. Guest and partner accounts are administered by the organizational unit. The SCC sends a letter by internal mail with the login data to activate the user account.

Alternatively, you may pick up your login credentials in person at the SCC Service Desk. Please bring identification with you.

The account must beactivated online via the SCC Self-Service Portal. Only after activation of the account you can use further services like the e-mail system or the KIT network via WLAN / VPN. The user ID of the account has the form ab1234 for employees.


The Self-Service Portal of the SCC provides information about the user account and gives various options for setting and individualizing.

  • Account Information:Familiarize yourself with the details of your account, your mailbox, and your KIT Card.
  • My data / Data protection: Enter especially the data of your workplace for the communication directory (location/building/room/phone number) and decide about the visibility of your data.
  • Image for KIT-Card: Inform yourself about the KIT-Card.
  • Rainbow and MS teams cloud usage: to use the tools, you need to give your consent for the further processing of your personal data here.
  • Token management: some SCC services require two-factor identification. Enter the desired tokens here.

Set up your e-mail box

The e-mail system (MS Exchange) is available to all employees. After successful activation of the account, a mailbox is automatically created. The e-mail address is firstname lastname does-not-exist.kit edu or for guests and partners. Please note that the e-mail is used for internal communication (e.g. for circulars of the presidium) and system information (e.g. concerning the SCC services) and you should check it regularly.

Platform-independent, check your mail at the website. Log in there with your email address and account password.

Instructions are available for setting up the mailbox on popular email clients (switch to the german counterpart ist information missing).

Apply for e-mail certificate

E-mails can be read or even changed by criminals on their way from the sender to the recipient. To make sure that this is not possible and that you know for sure who the sender of an e-mail is, you should encrypt and sign your e-mails (this also makes it easier to detect fraudulent messages, for example). You can do this as soon as you have a user certificate issued by KIT. You should encrypt e-mails in particular if personal or other data worthy of protection is sent.

It is best practice to apply for a KIT-CA user certificate immediately in order to send signed and encrypted mails.


The SCC provides centrally managed IT workstations for some organisational units.