Since July 2016 working for V-FOR-WaTer, eScience project of state of Baden-Württemberg
April 2015 til March 2018 working for EU project EUDAT2020
Since October 2012: Senior scientist at Scientific Computing Center, KIT. Leader of the Data Life Cycle Lab "Earth and Environment" of the Large Scale Data Management and Analysis (LSDMA) project.
August 2007- September 2012: PostDoc at II. Physikalisches Institut at University of Göttingen, Member of ATLAS-collaboration (CERN), responsible for WLCG-ATLAS-Tier-2 Center
March 2004 - July 2007: PhD in particle physics at University of Bonn, Germany. Title of Thesis: Measurement of the Top Quark Mass using Dilepton Events and a Neutrino Weighting Algorithm with the DØ Experiment at the Tevatron (Run II), mostly based at Fermilab, Batavia, IL, USA.
October 1998 - February 2004: Student of physics (diploma) at University of Bonn.