Simulation Lab Energy

The Simulation Laboratory (SimLab) Energy activities are closely related to the KIT Energy Center research fields, which include "Energy Conversion", "Renewable Energies", "Energy Storage and Distribution", "Efficient Energy Production and Usage", "Fusion Technology", "Nuclear Energy and Safety", and "Energy Systems Analysis". Currently, there are several cooperations between SimLab Energy and engineering groups which use supercomputing resources for applications in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), turbulent combustion, safety and chemical process technologies. The Simlab Energy main activities focus on code optimisation for High Performance Computing (HPC) for simulating micro fuel cells, particle-laden flows, flows with chemical reactions, hydrogen reactor safety, heat and mass transfer processes (incl. radiative heat transfer), jet in crossflow etc.
Bachelor/Master Theses
Partner institutes and project topics
Characterisation of aerosol formation in industrial processes by means of simulations (AerCoDe) and experimental data.
Hydrogen safety simulations for nuclear, fusion and automotive applications.
Micro PEM fuel cell modelling.
Modelling of industrial furnaces and of the propagation of lean turbulent flames.
Numerical study of the flame thickening in the case of lean turbulent methane flames.
Numerical optimization of the fluid-wall-interaction and minimizing the heat losses through the piston walls.
New cooperations
We are looking forward for new cooperations with partners from scientific institutions and industry.
Prospective cooperations should be based on common projects, application for funding and publishing of scientific results.