
5th conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany - deRSE25

Over 300 research software and research software engineering enthusiasts came together in Karlsruhe for the deRSE25 conference.

Participants of the deRSE25 and SE25 Conference at KIT (Photo: Erik Burger (KIT))

From February 25 - 27, KIT and its Scientific Computing Center hosted the 5th conference for Research Software Engineering in Germany, the German conference for Research Software Engineers and people interested in Research Software.

Over 300 participants, national and international, came to Karlsruhe to present, discuss and contribute their insights, work and thoughts on Research Software and Research Software Engineering. In total over 170 contributions were scheduled in the three days of the conference, summing up to an stagering over 72 hours of content. The scientific program was framed by two inspiring keynotes from Bálint Aradi, University of Bremen, and Michael Felderer, Institute for Software Technology, German Aerospace Center and University of Cologne, presenting their view on the field of RSE and RSEs.

The deRSE25 conference was co-located with the Software Engineering 25 conference. Details on the conference, the program as well as many of the presented slides can be found on the conference hompage.


René Caspart