SCC at KIT is well known internationally for providing a ticketing system known as the Global Grid User Support (GGUS), used by the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) and European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) communities incorporating over 170 computing centres in more than 42 countries. The GGUS offers these large communities an integrated platform designed to handle user inquiries, incidents and service requests and coordinate between computing centres. The GGUS operations reinforce the principles of open-science, improving the accessibility of scientific research and ensuring the timely resolution of problems.
After over 20 years of successful operations, the SCC's custom-developed legacy GGUS system was replaced on January 29th by an open-source ticketing system developed by Zammad GmbH. The transition was preceded by more than two years of research, consultations, and custom developments that enabled the workflows established in the communities over the years of experience. The new ticketing system brings the communities a modern tech stack and new perspectives.
At the same time, the new Zammad's ticketing system also took over the xGUS, the child of the GGUS, serving smaller communities. The switchover of the ticketing system for the BW and KIT NHR support portals took place on February 19th.
SCC continues to host and enhance the new ticketing system for the communities mentioned above, as well as other communities such as European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Users are nostalgic about the legacy ticketing system that was home to their smart resolutions. At the same time, they warmly welcome the new system.
Contact at SCC: Dr. Pavel Weber, Dr. Aliaksei Hrynevich