To introduce persons, there are the person pages on the websites. With a data protection-compliant link to the KIT account, the content displayed on the person page can be edited in the SCC self-service portal and released for different areas (internal/external).
In order to publish person pages on KIT websites in compliance with data protection regulations, OpenText editorial staff members should use the import personal data from the communication directory function, which links the personal page to the person's KIT user account. In this way, each KIT employee can determine in the SCC self-service portal with what scope their personal data is visible, e.g. only on the KIT intranet or worldwide.
Further options have now been added to the attributes that can be released by the individual person: the ORCID, the Microsoft Teams link and a text field for a short profile. Once the data has been maintained and released as required, it is automatically displayed on the person pages.
Lists of persons have also been given a new layout that can be used, for example, to present the members of a research group in an appealing way, now also with the short profile entered in the self-service portal (figure below).
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