
Four more Years "Episteme in Motion"

Great joy in knowledge research: The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has approved the renewed extension of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 980.

The concept of disciplinary diversity and interdisciplinary openness, which has been practised for eight years now, convinces not only the participants but also the funding bodies, so that the CRC "Episteme in Motion" has secured the (quite rare) maximum funding period of 12 years.

The Collaborative Research Center, located at Freie Universität Berlin, investigates processes of knowledge change in European and non-European cultures in the pre-modern era. In currently 19 subprojects, around 55 employees conduct interdisciplinary research on transfer processes in the period from antiquity to early modern times, making it one of the most comprehensive CRCs in the humanities.

SCC-DEM is leading the information infrastructure project "Corpora in Motion" in the Collaborative Research Centre, in which a digital data infrastructure is being developed for all sub-projects of the CRC. The central component is the "Episteme Repository" with state-of-the-art analysis and visualization tools for the heterogeneous humanities data.


Contact persons at SCC: Danah Tonne and Germaine Götzelmann