Screenshot of the new Zammad Ticketing System
New Ticketing System Enhances Support for WLCG and EGI Communities

After more than 20 years of successful operation, the Global Grid User Support System (GGUS) developed at SCC is being replaced by a new ticketing system. The change was preceded by more than two years of research, consulting and custom development.

In the Self-service Portal configured short profiles will be displayed on websites
Short profiles on websites

Create your short profile, add your ORCID or share your MS Teams link: discover the new possibilities in the SCC self-service portal

Ausschnitt aus der Titelseite der SCC-News 2/2024
SCC-News 2/2024

The new SCC News is online, including these topics: Moving from Campus South to a Colocation Facility; Overview of the PUNCH4NFDI compute infrastructure; bwJupyter for Higher Education enters Extended Test Phase.

Best Paper Award für biologisch plausiblere Vorwärts-Optimierung von neuronalen Netzen
Best Paper Award for more biologically plausible forward optimization of neural networks

A team of SCC scientists won the Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Neural Information Processing in December 2024 for an alternative training approach for neural networks.

EUDAT-Konferenz 2024: Datendienste und Kollaborationen für Wissenschaft und GesellschaftEUDAT
EUDAT Conference 2024: Data services for science and society

Science communities and data infrastructure providers work together to enhance scientific data services in Europe. An intensive exchange took place at the EUDAT Conference 2024 in Karlsruhe.

Versammlung der IT-Beauftragten im November 2024
Meeting of the IT appointees in November 2024

The topics on the agenda of the 28th ITB Assembly met with great interest. Over 300 people attended to find out about new developments in the SCC's range of services.

Symbolbild mit Lupe und Schriftzügen Incidents / Maintenance / Störungen / Wartungen
Help and Support

Phone: +49 721 608 8000
Mon to Fri: 8.00 to 18.00 h
at the counters: Mon to Fri:  9.00 to 16.30 h

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News about SCC-Offers

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    SCC is involved in various research projects. The cooperation partners include universities and research institutions as well as companies, both national and international.

    Project Overview
    Vortrag Virtualisierung
    Research Topics

    The focus is on high-performance computing & data-intensive computing, simulation labs, grid and cloud computing and large scale data management & analysis.

    High-performance Computing

    Operation of large-scale facilities for scientific high-performance computing and data-intensive science within the framework of secure IT federations.


    News from SCC-Research

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