The federal state service bwDataArchive offers a solution for long-term data archiving, which is especially available for employees of universities and public research institutions in Baden-Württemberg. Data archiving is carried out at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and includes reliable storage of even large data sets for a period of ten or more years. The service enables a qualified implementation of the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for the securing and storage of research data.

The service "LSDF Online Storage" offers users of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology access to a large scale disk data storage which is intended in particular for the storage of scientific measurement data and simulation results of data-intensive scientific disciplines. The LSDF Online Storage is operated by Scientific Computing Center.
Several protocols can be used to access the data: SCP, NFS, CIFS, WebDAV. The data is backed up and protected in a state-of-the-art manner from various types of disasters (without direct user access to the backed up copies).
The service is not suitable for storing personal, commercial or other non-scientific data.

Statistics and data analysis software

Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) includes all types of computer support in engineering.

Computer algebra systems are used to solve mathematical problems using symbolic methods.
The SCC provides the two systems Maple and Mathematica as campus licenses for the KIT.

SCC gives KIT users access to High Performance Computing (HPC) and Data Intensive Computing (DIC) infrastructures. SCC itself operates several computer systems (bwUniCluster 2.0, HoreKa) for different user groups. In addition, KIT scientists can use the bwForClusters within the framework of the bwHPC federation. The SCC also advises on applications for computing time on supra-regional high-performance computers (Tier-2), such as the HoreKa, or on the national supercomputers (Tier-1) of the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (JSC, HLRS, LRZ).

Users can access the HPC resources operated by the SCC via Jupyter. All that is required is a web browser. Within the web application, source code of different programming languages can be edited and executed and calculations can be visualized interactively. In addition to tools for documentation, various user interfaces and terminals are available.

Compilers and tools for software development.

Consulting and support for technical-scientific software at KIT