Software Carpentry workshop @KIT - Part 1
On April 7. and 8. 2025, the Scientific Computing Center is hosting an in person Software Carpentry workshop, primarily open to graduate students and research staff at KIT.
What is a Software Carpentry Workshop ?
A growing number of researchers spend more and more time building and using software, but few have ever been taught how to do this efficiently. In many cases they end up spending more time than necessary to create results whose reliability and reproducibility is not ensured.
The aim of Software Carpentry is to teach researchers the fundamental skills that will help them be more productive while producing work of higher quality. We do that by teaching workshops where students learn how to automate tasks using the Unix shell, how to track and share work using version control, and how to write software in Python, R, or MATLAB that is readable, reusable, and reliable.
During a workshop, short tutorials alternate with practical exercises, and all instruction is done via live coding (i.e. learners write their code along with the instructors).
This two-days workshop will cover the following topics:
- Automating tasks using the Unix shell
- Version control using Git
- Introduction to programming with Python
This session is intended for students and researchers who have little to no prior programming experience: lessons are designed for beginners and no prior knowledge on the tools that will be presented is required to attend the workshop.
You can find more information and register for this workshop on the dedicated website (
For more information about the Carpentries, see
Michele Mesiti
Scientific Computing Center
Mail: michele mesiti ∂does-not-exist.kit edu