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Dr. Martin Nußbaumer, Director of SCC, and Torsten Prill, Chairman of ZKI e.V., welcomed the 58 participants to KIT Campus South. The agenda focused on two main topics - on the one hand, the different aspects of the cloud strategies of universities and colleges and, on the other hand, practical experience with the cloud computing models Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service.
The presentations on "Cloud strategies of the federal states and universities" showed a wide range of possible ways of dealing with "the cloud" and inspired a very lively exchange, as did the "(Practical) experiences with the use of IaaS and PaaS, especially at universities".
However, both focal points only represent small sections of the overall complex of the "Cloud Management" working group, as the joint identification of topics for the future of the working group showed. In addition, the report Cloud Management - Changes in administrative and provisioning processes, to which many working group members contributed, has now been officially published.