
Meeting of IT Representative in May 2024

More than 250 IT representatives (ITB) from KIT attended the 27th meeting to find out about new developments in the IT infrastructure and the IT services offered at the SCC.

Online meeting

The meeting of the SCC takes place twice a year in an online format.

This time, a total of 260 people from around 100 organizational units were welcomed.

In addition to the main topic of the introduction of Microsoft cloud services, which was the subject of lively and critical discussion, the agenda also included topics, changes and plans in the areas of studying and teaching, research and administration.

For example, the introduction of HISinOne STU in June 2024 and a state service with Jupyter (bwJupyter currently in the pilot phase) were reported on, as well as current information on plans in the User Portal (UP) for EasyBanf, new ESS/MSS functions and the assignment of authorizations. 

The authentication and authorization infrastructure (AAI) operated centrally at the SCC is already used nationwide and is to be expanded. In future, further identities, including BundID, will be integrated into the AAI software RegApp developed by the SCC.

The presentation of this event, as well as all previous presentations, can be viewed by all members of KIT on the SCC's Partnership Cooperation website

IT representatives (ITB) have the opportunity to report topic requests to the SCC at any time in the run-up to the next event in November 2024 and beyond. Employees should contact the ITB in their organizational units directly to submit any IT-relevant topics.

Birgit Junker