
Helmholtz Association funds new SOL-AI project

The SOL-AI project, in which SCC is also involved, aims to accelerate the development and optimization of photovoltaic materials using state-of-the-art AI models.

Photovoltaikmaterialien für Solarzellen können mit modernsten KI-Modellen noch höhere Wirkungsgrade erzielen (Foto: Tobias Abzieher)

In the SOL-AI project, KIT and partners combine the development of new generations of solar cells with state-of-the-art approaches to artificial intelligence (AI/AI) and machine learning (ML). The Scientific Computing Center (SCC) of KIT is represented by tenure-track professor Sebastian Krumscheid. Sebastian Krumscheid is a research group leader at SCC and an expert in uncertainty quantification (UQ). AI and ML are also used here in the design of new and more efficient materials for photovoltaics. The goal is to create an AI model that adapts to the diverse challenges of materials science.

The Helmholtz Association is funding a total of four projects on basic models for artificial intelligence. KIT is involved in two of these projects (see KIT press release).

Contact at SCC: TT-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Krumscheid


Achim Grindler