
Start of Pilotphase "Jupyter for Teaching at KIT

SCC is launches the pilot phase of the "JupyterHub for Teaching" service. The aim of the project is to strengthen research-oriented teaching at KIT, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, simulation and modeling.

Jupyter Notebook mit Beschreibung (Polar Axis), Code (In [1]) und Ergebnis (Bild)

In the summer semester 2024, SCC will start the pilot phase of the new JupyterHub for Teaching service for teaching. The aim of the project is to strengthen research-oriented teaching, especially in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, simulation and modeling, by providing a KIT-wide JupyterHub.

Computer-aided modeling and simulation has long been used not only in the natural sciences and technology, but also in almost all areas of research, from social sciences and humanities to medicine.

Especially in the rapidly growing field of AI, the application possibilities are endless. This results in new demands on the skills of graduates from all disciplines. In order to be able to use the numerous tools effectively, training must include not only subject-specific topics but also teach knowledge of common programming languages and their use in computer-aided computing. In order for this to succeed, the entry level should be as low-threshold as possible and the handling should be simple.

The open-source software JupyterHub offers this possibility. The web-based, interactive environment enables students to test and execute code from the most common programming languages (including Julia, Python and R) without having to install software on their own computer. The service is therefore independent of device and location, allowing students to use it conveniently from anywhere.

The pilot phase involves 30 courses with a total of around 2000 students. The service is to be expanded further in the coming winter semester. JupyterHub for Teaching will also be integrated into the ILIAS learning platform at KIT to make it easy and efficient to use in teaching.


Achim Grindler