
XMPP service ends on 30 June 2022

The systems of the instant messaging service based on XMPP (Jabber) will be switched off on 1 July 2022.

The SCC will discontinue the "Instant Messaging Service (IM)" based on XMPP (Jabber) at the end of June 2022. The maintenance of the systems used and their supply with security updates are only guaranteed until 30 June 2022, so that a shutdown is necessary by this date at the latest.

In the past, several other communication services have been introduced at KIT, so that members of KIT have a number of tools at their disposal for online communication. A list of the tools provided, as well as their possible uses, can be found on the web pages of the Information Security Officer at https://www.isb.kit.edu/136.php.

The IT officers at KIT were already informed about the shutdown of the XMPP service in the ITB meeting in November 2021 and in the last IT expert group.