New Features in MSC/PATRAN 5.0-6.0-PAT328

Table of Contents

Lesson Title

1. Merging Databases: Construct two databases which have distinct similarities and differences then see how PATRAN resolves model conflicts and differences when the two databases are imported into a combined third database.


2. Cylinder with T-Beam Stiffeners: Create a cylinder and apply loads then use the beam library to add stiffeners to the cylinder.


3. Keymapping PCL Functions: Import an express neutral file then Key Map several PATRAN commands to one key. Use the session file generated by PATRAN to create a PCL function.


4. Freebody Analysis of a Truss: Create the geometry for a simple truss and perform a freebody analysis on the truss.


5. Mass Properties Calculations: Import a unigraphics express file and apply mass properties to a propeller.


6. Composite Trimmed Surfaces: Import a CAD model into a database, repair disjointed surfaces by creating composite surfaces then mesh the newly created composite surfaces.


7. Crushed Pipe: Perform large displacement analysis, rigid contact analysis using analytic rigid surfaces and then plasticity modeled with perfectly plastic material for a crushed pipe.


7a. Crushed Pipe: Perform large displacement analysis, rigid contact analysis using analytic rigid surfaces and then plasticity modeled with perfectly plastic material for a crushed pipe.


8. Projected Coordinate Systems: Become familiar with the difference between Global and Projected-Global coordinate systems and realize the importance of both coordinate systems.



A. MSC/PATRAN Settings Listed By Category: MSC/PATRAN Settings Listed By Category and Alphabetically

B. Unix Quick Reference: Unix commands listed examples and descriptions.

C. Icon and Text Editors: Quick reference of Icon and Text Editors plus some vi editor commands.

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