Transition to MSC/PATRAN-PAT303
1. Importing a PATRAN 2.5 Model into P3:
Read a PATRAN 2.5 neutral file into P3 then import PATRAN 2.5 result files into your P3 database and work with multiple load cases.
2. Geometry Model of a 3-D Clevis:
Create a new database, create geometry and change the graphics display.
3. Geometry Model of a Connecting Rod:
Import geometry from an IGES file then reate geometry in MSC/PATRAN (Phase I).
4. Finite Element Model of a 3-D Clevis:
Apply a nonuniform mesh seed near a critical location of the model then apply a global mesh to the seeded model.
5. (Another) Finite Element Model of a 3-D Clevis:
Use Chaining to create a Curve, create a Trimmed Surface, sweep a Surface Mesh to create Solid elements then use the Finite Elements Transform option.
6. Verification and Property Assignment:
Prepare the model for analysis by eliminating duplicate nodes and verifying element attributes then apply material and element properties.
7. Loads and Boundary Conditions on a 3-D Clevis:
Apply constraints to your model then create and apply a Field to describe a spatially varying load.
8. Post Processing with Insight:
create various
Insight tools
to display the results of a Clevis model that was analyzed by using MSC/NASTRAN.
9. Post Processing of Displacement Results:
Examine the analysis results of a Clevis model by rendering a variety of deformed shape plots of the model.
10. Post Processing of Stress Results With Results:
Post-process stress results from MSC/NASTRAN. Use MSC/PATRAN to create fill and fringe plots to determine if the analyzed part will meet a customer-defined
criteria or whether the part needs to be re-designed and re-analyzed.
11. Post-Processing of Time-Dependent Results:
Examine the analysis results of the Microcircuit model by rendering a variety of plots of the model. You will perform a transient animation.