1. Modal Analysis of a Flat Plate:
Produce a MSC/NASTRAN input file and submit for analysis to find the first five natural frequencies and mode shapes.
2. Modal Analysis of a Flat Plate Using Static Reduction:
Reduce the dynamic math model in the previous exercise to one with fewer degrees of freedom and find the first five natural frequencies.
3. Direct Transient Response Analysis:
Using the direct method define time-varying excitation and compute nodal displacement for desired time domain.
4. Modal Transient Response Analysis:
Using the Modal Method define time-varying excitation and compute nodal displacement for desired time domain.
5. Direct Frequency Response Analysis:
Using the direct method define frequency-varying excitation and compute nodal displacement for desired frequency domain.
6. Modal Frequency Response Analysis:
Using the Modal Method define frequency-varying excitation and compute nodal displacement for desired frequency domain.
7. Direct Transient Response with Base Excitation:
Using the direct method define time-varying unit acceleration and compute nodal displacement for desired time domain.
8. Enforced Motion with Direct Frequency Response:
Using the direct method define frequency-varying tip displacement and compute nodal displacement for desired time domain.
9a. Response Spectra:
Generate a shock spectrum using the direct transient method.
9b. Response Spectra (Cont.):
Apply a shock spectrum.
10. Random Analysis:
Enforced acceleration using large mass method.
11. Random Analysis:
Determining the displacement response spectrum from random pressure and force loads with cross spectrum correlation.
12. Complex Modes of a Pile Driver:
Learn to define complex eigenvalue extraction parameters and compute complex modes.
13. Nolins in Linear Transient:
Learn to represent non-structural variables using non-structural DOFs, define dynamic functions with transfer functions and create a nonlinear transient force.
14a. Modal Analysis of a Beam:
Perform normal modes analysis and find the first three natural frequencies for a simply supported beam.
14b. Normal Modes with Differential Stiffness:
Analyze a stiffened beam for normal modes.
15. Weight Minimization of a Three Bar Truss:
Minimize the weight of a truss with mode constraints.
1a. Modal Analysis of a Beam (SI Units):
Analyze a stiffened beam for normal modes.
1b. Normal Modes with Differential Stiffness (SI Units):
Analyze a stiffened beam for normal modes.