PAT301: Computer-Based Modeling for Design and Analysis with MSC/PATRAN
1st Finite Element Model of a 3-D Clevis
applies a nonuniform mesh seed near a critical location of the 3-D Clevis model then apply a global mesh to the seeded model.
2nd Finite Element Model of a 3-D Clevis
uses Chaining to create a Curve, create a Trimmed Surface, sweep a Surface Mesh to create Solid elements then use the Finite Elements Transform option.
Verification and Property Assignment
prepares previous model for analysis by eliminating duplicate nodes and verifying element attributes then apply material and element properties.
PAT303: Transition to MSC/PATRAN
Finite Element Model of a 3-D Clevis:
Apply a nonuniform mesh seed near a critical location of the model then apply a global mesh to the seeded model.
(Another) Finite Element Model of a 3-D Clevis:
Use Chaining to create a Curve, create a Trimmed Surface, sweep a Surface Mesh to create Solid elements then use the Finite Elements Transform option.
Verification and Property Assignment:
Prepare the model for analysis by eliminating duplicate
nodes and verifying element attributes then apply material and element properties.
PAT322: Advanced Engineering Analysis with MSC/PATRAN Advanced FEA
Finite Element Model of a 3-D Clevis and Property Assignment
presents the appropriate meshing technique for the model created in workshop 1.
NAS120: Linear Static and Normal Nodes Analysis
Finite Element Model of a 3-D Clevis and Property Assignment
defines a finite element mesh for a 3-D Clevis and use mesh seeding for force loading in future exercises.