Introductin to Thermal Analysis Using MSC/PATRAN THERMAL-PAT312
1. Construct Hybrid Microcircuit Geometry:
Construct a trimmed surface which will be the underlying geometry of a 3D Hybrid Microcircuit model then create a trimmed surface with interior cutouts for components.
2. Hybrid Microcircuit Finite Elements:
Mesh the 3D Hybrid Microcircuit model in two steps then use both the IsoMesh and Paver mesher options to create a surface mesh. These surface elements will then be swept into solid elements.
3. Equivalence and Verify the Hybrid Mesh:
Equivalence the 3D Hybrid Microcircuit model mesh then sample the finite element verification functions to examine the aspect ratio, skewness and taper of the mesh elements.
4. Materials, Lists, and Groups:
Define material properties, apply them as element properties on the hybrid microcircuit mesh then use lists and groups as tools to more easily manipulate your model.
5. Thermal Analysis using Imported CAD Geometry:
In this exercise you will complete a thermal analysis of a model created from imported CAD geometry.
6. Comparison of Two Heat Sink Designs:
Model two competing finned heat sinks. These will be 2D axisymmetric slices.
7. An Oven Window Design:
Model a 2D planar slice of an oven window and learn how to initiate and use Utilities.
8. Temperature Dependent Material Properties:
Create a 2D material slice consisting of two materials with temperature dependent material properties. Then visually and qualitatively compare the MSC/THERMAL results with the results of an analytical solution.
9. Thermal Analysis of the Hybrid Microcircuit:
In this exercise complete a steady state thermal analysis of the 3D hybrid microcircuit.
10. Time Dependent Boundary Conditions:
Model an aluminum plate. Use microfunctions to apply time dependent boundary conditions to the plate corners then run a transient analysis to produce time dependent results.
11. Using Convection Correlations:
Model an iron cube and apply convective boundary conditions using correlations from the MSC/THERMAL convection correlation library. Run a steady state analysis and display results.
12. Analysis of a Fuel Nozzle Tip:
Model an axisymmetric slice of a fuel nozzle tip then apply advective, radiative, and convective boundary conditions. Run a steady state analysis and display results.
13. A Sprinkler System Hydraulic Analysis:
Model a schematic of a home sprinkler system. Use microfunctions to apply pressure varying mass flow functions at the sprinkler heads then run a hydraulic analysis to evaluate the pressure drop and total mass flow through the system.
14. Midterm: Build a Simple 2 Plate Model:
Build a simple two plate model which meets specified requirements. Prepare the model for analysis and open a UNIX shell to observe the file creation and analysis process. Run the analysis and use UNIX and utility commands to monitor the progress of the analysis.
15. User Supplied Subroutines:
Create a user subroutine UHVAL that computes the values for the heat transfer coefficient.
16. A Concentric Tube, Counterflow Heat Exchanger:
Demonstrate MSC/THERMAL capabilities for gap convection problems and practice basic modeling skills using MSC/PATRAN.
17. Analysis of a Fuel Nozzle Tip Using Convection Between Regions:
Model an axisymmetric slice of a fuel nozzle tip. Apply advective, radiative, and convective boundary conditions then run a steady state analysis and display results.
18. Post-processing the Hybrid Microcircuit Results with Insight:
Post-process the results of the hybrid microcircuit analysis using Insight tools.
19. Animating Results with Insight:
In this exercise you will post-process the time dependent results of Exercise 10 using Insight Tools then create an Insight animation of the transient heat transfer analysis.
20. SINDA Translation of a PWB Model:
Create a model by playing a session file then Produce a run-ready SINDA/G deck from the model and post-process the SINDA/G temperature results.
21. Optimizing Performance of Radiation Interchange Analysis:
Modify the database of exercise_14 and the template.dat.apnd file in order to increase analysis speed and reduce file size. Re-run and monitor the analysis and compare CPU time of the run and file size to those of Exercise 14.
22. Steady State Radiative Boundary Conditions:
Create a 2D model that incorporates two enclosures then define separate radiative boundary conditions for gray body and wave length dependent radiation within the enclosures. Perform the Steady State thermal analysis and post process the analysis results with MSC/PATRANs Result and Insight tools.
23. Your Model Here:
To familiarize the user with initiating a model in MSC/THERMAL. Use your imagination and engineering skill to sketch and model a simple problem of your design. The purpose is to have you begin to create your own analysis in MSC/THERMAL based on what youve learned in the previous exercises.