MSC/PATRAN for Advanced Users-PAT302
1. Keymapping PCL Functions: Learn how to map PCL commands into a selected key, and use session file to create a PCL function.
2. Merging Databases: Using separate databases to model the part is illustrated in this exercise. The purpose of this exercise is to become aware of how MSC/PATRAN resolves conflicts when merging two databases.
3. Adding an Icon to Quick Pick: Create a PCL Class which contains a PCL Built-in function to shrink finite elements. Create an icon to invoke the PCL function in the Quick Pick.
3a. Adding an Icon to Toolbar: Create a PCL Class which contains a PCL Built-in function to shrink finite elements. Create an icon to invoke the PCL function in the Toolbar.
4. Composite Trimmed Surfaces: Create composite surfaces to fix disjointed surfaces of an imported drawing, and construct a single, fluid, consistent mesh which can be used for purposes of analysis.
5. Geometry Construction: Create the required 2-D geometry for a 3-D model.
6. Imported Geometry Cleaning: Learn to remove unnecessary geometric details in an imported drawing.
7. Generating a Hex Mesh Using Vector Sweep: Show an alternative to create solid finite elements from solid geometry.
8. Preparing Geometry for a Hex Mesh: Learn to use the method of Decomposing to create new surfaces. Decomposition of the CAD geometry is required when IsoMeshing a solid.
9. Finite Element Model: Learn an alternative to create your finite element model by using Mesh Sweep . Mesh sweep creates elements by sweeping existing elements, therefore no supporting geometry is required.
10. Using Lists and Multi-Point Constraints: Learn how to use Multi-Point Constraint (MPC) to connect two dissimilar elements. MPC accounts for the rotational degrees of freedom defined in the elements.
11. Mass Properties Calculations: Import a unigraphics express file and apply mass properties to the model.
12. Freebody Analysis of a Truss: Create the geometry for a simple truss, and perform a freebody analysis on the truss.
13. Cylinder with T-Beam Stiffeners: Learn how to create a cylinder with applied loads. Learn to use the beam library to add stiffeners to the cylinder.
14. Global / Local Model using FEM Fields: Demonstrate on how to use Global Loads Model to obtain Local Stress Model.
15. Importing Results using a Results Template: Create results templates that will allow you to import a set of nodal results and displacements. The template created in this exercise will allow the user to easily import a custom set of results that would otherwise not be supported.
16. Projected Coordinate Systems: Get familiar with the difference between Global and Projected-Global coordinate systems.
17. Post Processing of Results: Learn details about obtaining results.
18. Parametrized Pipe Intersection: Learn how to model a cylinder (pipe) of one radius intersecting a cylinder of a different radius.
A. MSC/PATRAN Settings Listed By Category: Display the definition and location of the MSC/PATRAN commands.
B. Unix Quick Reference: Display the UNIX commands.
C. Icon and Text Editors: Useful information on various Icon Editors.