1. Geometry Model of a Space Satellite:
Create the geometry for the Satellite using basic point, line and surface geometry transformation/creation then create groups for each part of the Satellite. Change the graphics display and export a IGuESs file.
2. Views of a Space Satellite:
Import a IGuESs file then become familiar with different view options. Additionally, create and modify Z-axis and arbitrary clipping planes.
3. Building the Finite Element Model of a Space Satellite:
Apply mesh & MPCs on a Space Satellite then Perform Model and Element Verification. Learn how to create 0-D, 1-D and 2-D elements.
4. Materials, Load Cases and LBC Assignment:
Perform a final verification of Quad elements then prepare the model for analysis by creating material properties. Apply Loads and Boundary conditions and create two Loading conditions.
5. Element Property Definition for the Space Satellite:
Define shell, bar, and point mass element properties for the Space Satellite. Create and apply a Field to describe a spatially varying thickness for the Adapter Cone then verify Mass Properties for the structure.
6. Static and Normal Mode Analysis of a Space Satellite:
Set up and analyze the Satellite model for Normal modes and Static analysis. Learn to modify the default subcase parameters, solution parameters and output requests.
7. Post-Processing Static Results of a Space Satellite:
Post Process model Results from an OP2. Familiarize yourself with the results application and graphical interface. Then create deformed, fringe, vector, tensor and XY plots of various results quantities.
8. Post-Processing Modal Results of a Space Satellite:
Post-process model results from an XDB file. View and animate the eigenvector displacements of the Satellite for two modes simultaneously then Sum the Percentage Element Strain Energy for one component of the Satellite.
9. Radiation Analysis of a Space Satellite:
Build a mesh for a Space Satellite then apply Loads and Boundary Conditions. Then submit Model for Analysis and Post Process temperature results.